

Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package

Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package

Happy Day! Today is the day I get back to what I love doing and that is blogging and introducing people to amazing products. I have missed all of you while I have been moving for the past month! But, during this past month, I have learned a lot about myself, refocused my personal and professional goals plus found super cute clothes while on a shopping spree in my own closet from years past. But, I am getting older and it is continually proving harder to lose weight, get toned and STAY that way. Moving brings a lot of stress and with it the reminder of fashion statements I would still like to rock but can’t at my current fitness level. Does this happen to you?

Throw Back MelanysGuydlines


I will be on a great kick with fitness and nutrition and then life throws a curveball and I stop going to the gym, stop drinking my shakes and before I know it I fall into a vicious cycle where I look in the mirror and can’t find my tight curves anymore. It happens to all of us. What I have realized by getting older is that we all need to continuously focus on fitness and nutritional eating habits to maintain a happy and healthy life. Sounds cliché? It is not! It is true.

I don’t know about you but I am always looking for a fun workout that will keep me excited and produce results. Workouts that don’t feel like I am working out but work to accomplish my goals! Personally, I don’t care for Crossfit gyms (think they are a little dangerous) or smelly meat market establishments. I have tried many different workouts and gyms (more than I would like to admit) but, finally found my answer to keeping my OCD, ADD, and LBD in check with Beachbody®.

You have seen the commercials and know the name! I have spent many evenings watching Beachbody® commercials with incredible transformations of so many people that I wanted to try for myself! So, I reached out to Beachbody® and was sent a few DVD’s to try! Now, I am a huge fan of PiYo® and CIZE®.

PiYo® is a mix of Pilates and Yoga but so much more. If you want to define yourself then this is the workout for you! No weights, no jumps. Just define. That is fine with me!

CIZE® is a dance workout and I love to shake my booty! It feels like you are at a club. Plus, Shaun T rocks the house. You never have to be shy or embarrassed or worry about your rhythm. Look at me!

Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package

So much fun!

Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package

Teddy loves Beachbody too!

HAHA! SO FUN! Big smile on my face. Teddy likes them too! He is a great dancer.

Now, I want to try INSANITY®, P90X® and 21 Day Fix EXTREME®.

It is addicting for sure! Plus, now you can access any of the fitness routines with Beachbody® On Demand from ANYWHERE you have a screen. How cool is that?

What is better than having your workout come to you or being able to access your workouts from anywhere? Nothing! No traffic. No gym grunters. No sweaty and smelly people that don’t use deodorant or need to try a new brand. No girls dressed for prom on the treadmill or guys staring you down. With Beachbody® On Demand it is you, your screen of choice and celeb trainers coaching and cheering you on the whole way no matter which workout you choose. There are always so many new fads out there but one company that continues to roll out the coolest programs is Beachbody®! No matter what type of workout you like – Beachbody® has it! There are so many programs to choose from that I promise you, you will find many you love!

Stream your workouts from your laptop, tablet, TV or mobile device. Now, you can bring your Beachbody® On Demand programs with you wherever you go.

AWESOME! No more excuses EVER.

And with that, I am so excited to present to you the biggest and baddest giveaway ever on Melanysguydlines!!! It is super snarky and I am so excited to share this life changing opportunity with you!!

Drum roll please.

Beachbody® On Demand and MelanysGuydlines are giving you the chance to win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand Fitness Package For 1 Year! This includes every single product and full access to the entire library! Plus, we included extra nutritional supplements to keep you toned and healthy.


1)    Beachbody® On Demand – 1 Year Free – $4000
2)    Beachbody® Performance Stack – $110
3)    Shaker Cup – $6.95
4)    Fixate Cookbook – $19.95
5)   Portion Control Containers – $17.85

Total: $4145

Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package


Remember who brings you the best giveaways. You know what to do. Plus, sign up for 30 FREE days to get a head start and decide which program you like best. It’s a win win! What are you waiting for?

World Class fitness programs for 30 days FREE! Yes, FREE! So, what do you have to lose? Those extra pounds from your summer vacay and be in tip-top shape for trick or treating (dress like a slut day) and to ring in the New Year.

Sign up right here!

******* BONUS: Remember to keep the welcome email from Beachbody® On Demand where you can enter for your chance to win the entire Beachbody® Library package for one year worth $4,145.00. You will need the phrase it says from the welcome email as means for entry after you sign up for the FREE 30 day trial.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Stay snarky my friends!**

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134 Responses to Win $4,145 Beachbody® On Demand For One Year And Fitness Package

  1. Angela Williams September 8, 2016 at 10:52 am #

    So many programs but I would start with the Insanity program first.

  2. Jamie Martin September 8, 2016 at 10:59 am #

    10 min trainer

  3. Rajee Pandi September 8, 2016 at 11:24 am #

    I want to try 10 min to see whether I can do it as I am fat 🙁

    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:42 am #

      awww you can do it!!

  4. Eloise Carlson September 8, 2016 at 11:36 am #

    I am most excited to try the Insanity, a lot of my friends belong to Beachbody and they have been talking a lot about this program, sounds amazing! Thanks so very much for the chance!


    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:42 am #

      You are so welcome! GOOD LUCK!

  5. Darlene Carbajal September 8, 2016 at 11:48 am #

    I want to do the TOTAL BODY CARDIO FIX.

  6. Laura Grace Andry September 8, 2016 at 3:18 pm #

    I am most excited about trying out cize and piyo! things my kiddos can do with me!

    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:42 am #

      Exactly – the dog too! Good luck!

  7. Christine Mayfield September 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm #

    I would love to try the 21 day fix! I have heard great things about it.

  8. Sang Hyun Lee September 8, 2016 at 6:45 pm #

    Being a P90X, P90X3, Insanity and T25 grad, I would love to try INSANITY MAX:30. Heard nothing but good things!!

    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:42 am #

      WOW! Cool and congrats. Yes! Good luck.

  9. paige c September 8, 2016 at 7:02 pm #

    I would love to try the insanity workouts!

  10. Candace Galan September 8, 2016 at 9:33 pm #

    I think the dance workouts would be the most fun!

  11. Laura September 8, 2016 at 10:09 pm #

    I think the Turbo Jam work out videos sound AWESOME! 🙂

  12. Pamela Michelle September 9, 2016 at 3:38 am #

    Awesome giveaway! I would love to win this! I have been on a new 3 day split and love the results I’m seeing so can’t wait for the opportunity to make more gainz!!!!

    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:41 am #

      Woohoo! Good luck!

  13. Bonnie September 9, 2016 at 4:07 am #

    Looks like fitness is a win-win. Looking forward to the prize!

  14. Annabel Greaves September 9, 2016 at 6:00 am #

    I like the 21 day fix

  15. Lisa Houston September 9, 2016 at 9:17 am #

    insanity would be fab, have heard its wicked

    • Melany September 10, 2016 at 8:41 am #

      Me too!

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