


4 Steps to “Win” the Break-Up

4 Steps to “Win” the Break-Up

Thank you to Kristin O’Brien for this guest post about winning after a break-up. Take it away! When a relationship comes to an end, it can be hard to keep from over-analyzing the situation and worrying yourself over what went wrong. If you’ve just gone through a tough break-up, the best thing you can do is to take the opportunity to get reacquainted with yourself. Find ways to remember all the reasons you love yourself and all of the reasons you are independently fantastic. Of course, it’s hard not to constantly check in on what your ex is doing through… Continue Reading

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Happy Father’s Day: The Snarky Version

Happy snarky fathers day

I have been waiting since Mother’s Day to post this photo my mom found of my dad! Guess which one he is? Yep, the one on the left. Nice bird. Ha!! This probably explains where my sense of humor comes from!! Lol. Happy Father’s Day to the best daddy ever! I love you and wish I was there to spend this day together. Thank you for being the best ever! Hugs n’ Kissezz from Gizmo, Teddy Brewski and me of course!! ‪ So, does this explain where I get my snarky from? So, does this explain where I get my… Continue Reading

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6 Things Every Girl Should Know About Relationships

6 Things Every Girl Should Know About Relationships

One thing I’ve noticed about girls is that they tend to romanticize relationships. There are plenty of ladies out there who think that getting with someone is the answer to all their problems. Well, it’s not. A relationship is not the main course – it’s more of a side dish. That means that it should be a bonus, rather than everything to you. When you get with someone, you have to know that it’s what you want. Here are six things every girl should know about relationships. #1 Both of you have to work at it Relationships are two-sided things…. Continue Reading

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Blow Me: It’s My Birthday

Blow Me it's my bday!

NA NA NA NA NA NA you say it’s your birthday! It is my Birthday too…..tomorrow (June 12). But, who is counting? I stopped a long time ago. Cheers to all of you! Thank you for making MelanysGuydlines so much fun. It has been a wild ride these past few years but cheers to many, many more! For my birthday, I want all of you to keep reading, following and sharing (and for the Golden State Warriors to win tonight)! For my birthday, I want all of you to keep reading, following and sharing (and for the Golden State Warriors… Continue Reading

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The Perfect Gift For Your Ex-Boyfriend: The Man Bowl

  Depending how long you have been following my blog you may remember a little post called the Snark Tank! I need to do this segment because there are way too many funny items that are actually sold in stores that you might never get a chance to see. Today, I was sent a press release for one of those items. So, I am doing my civic duty with this post to present you with a must have ….for “dawgs” like my ex-boyfriend. You may know someone that is deserving of this little gem and he may still be in… Continue Reading

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A Guide to Staying Connected to Your Long-Distance BFF

Please enjoy this guest post! This time we are talking BFF’s and how important it is to stay connected no matter how far away the two of you live from one another. (I totally agree that surprising a BFF is super fun and she will love you for it. My BFF always surprised me for every Birthday until I moved to be closer to her in Arizona.) Enjoy and thank you for the tips! Your BFF is your rock, your everything. She knows you so well that she can even finish your sentences. Whether you’ve had the same best friend… Continue Reading

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Why People Like Memes 4: Extra Snarky

Why People Like Memes 4

I have not done an installment of “Why People Like Memes” in a few months and since I am moving slower than my ex-boyfriend running for the last piece of cake at a party, I am pleased to present you with a few extra guydlines for your snarky, reading pleasure. Enjoy and hope you are having a stellar Tuesday morning. BTW – I am using the number 4 for this one since I get confused the higher the Roman Numeral goes. K? Better to be safe than sorry and called out by trolls later down the line, right? I am… Continue Reading

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Let’s Play Ball: Live With SF Giants Bryan Srabian at AT&T Park Friday 5/7/15 for Social Hangout

Let’s Play Ball: Live With SF Giants Bryan Srabian at AT&T Park Friday 5/7/15 for Social Hangout

I have Matt Williams rookie card in mint condition. My sister was the only girl invited to Barry Bonds birthday party when she was 7. My mom bowled with some of the wives from the SF Giants team circa 70’s and I learned how to fire a softball from the hot corner when I was just a little, snarky one. I grew up playing every sport under the sun. By the time I was in high school, I was an annoying date for any baseball game since I had the ability (and still do) to call pitch location before the… Continue Reading

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Exclusive Interview with Jane Seymour on Social Hangout: Mother’s Day

Jane Seymour

Happy Mother’s Day week! If your mother is anything like mine she deserves to be honored 365 days a year. She has been there for me through both good and bad times. One day is not enough to thank her for everything she does and continues to do for me. I love my mom! She is a rockstar and the Queen Supreme of snark. In case you missed it, I had the privilege of interviewing Jane Seymour on Social Hangout last week talking about our mothers and Mother’s Day. BTW….I am the new co-host of Social Hangout on Fridays so… Continue Reading

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Why I Social Podcast Featuring Melany Berger: Shorty Awards Special

whyisocial podcast with Melany Berger

Happy Shorty Awards Day and Night! The day has finally arrived for the Shorty Awards and I will be attending the show tonight. You can watch it live on! But, before you watch the show make sure to listen to me on the Why I Social Podcast with Chris Barrows. I met (via twitter) Chris through my co-hosting appearances on Social Hangout with Eric Mitchell. Yes, I know that may be confusing to some who are not online as much as we are but I promise you that both of these men are putting out excellent and entertaining content not to be missed. I have been a guest on other podcasts but the Why I Social stands out. Chris is personable and flexible (with my crazy travel schedule). So, what makes his show stand out in a sea of content? Well, as he explains on the Why I Social… Continue Reading

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Live From New York: MelanysGuydlines At The Shorty Awards 2015

Melanysguydlines at the Plaza hotel for the Shorty Awards!

Good morning beautiful people! I am writing you today live from New York City! I have been enjoying the city with my cutie-parents for the past few days. We are here for the Shorty Awards! I am a finalist in blogger and already know I won the Vox Populi vote which is the honor for most nominations by the public a.k.a. YOU via Twitter!   Thank you so much for all of the support and nominations for a Shorty Award in blogger! Now, it is up to the academy to decide who wins in the Blogger category! Even if I… Continue Reading

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What Is A Good Word To Describe Someone Who Is A “DingDong”?

What is a good word to describe someone who is a "dingdong"?

I wonder how many times a day I shake my head at all the idiots I know? When I say that I work as a flytrap for all the stupid people in the world, I really do. So, what does one do when they can’t believe all the stupidy around them? One takes to Facebook to ask for a little help from their real friends. This is a real thread from my snarky friends on Facebook! Thanks to everyone who replied! I told you this was good for a post! When I say I work as a flytrap for all… Continue Reading

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