


Celebrity Relationships That Have Lasted The Test Of Time!

Happy moving day part 1 to me! Laura is taking over the blog and doing a wonderful job! It is raining in Arizona but these couples have weathered the rain. Great post. Take it away…. Unfortunately, we are always hearing about celebrities breaking up and getting divorced. It is a struggle for their relationships to last with cheating and distance often being the cause of the split. However, you might be surprised to know that there are some celebrity relationships which have lasted over 15 years! Here are some celebrity relationships that have lasted the test of time! Photo Credit… Continue Reading

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Not All Influencers Are Created Equal: Celebrity vs. Influencer Part 1

Not All Influencers Are Created Equal: Celebrity vs. Influencer Part 1

This post was written a few months back while visiting Los Angeles (I got out for good this time because I served two full sentences there and have not looked back since) and I have been so busy that I did not get around to sharing then but am making time right now! This is an important post and describes the difference between a celebrity and influencer in snarky terms, of course. Ahh Hollywood. You never cease to provide me with ample amounts of snarky material to address on this here blog. I love you for that (and just that)…. Continue Reading

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Putting The Eye Back In MelanysGuydlines: Dr. Stephen Cohen Of Doctor My Eyes

Putting The Eye Back In MelanysGuydlines: Dr. Stephen Cohen Of Doctor My Eyes

Happy Friday! I know it has been a few weeks since I have written a post. This is the longest time since starting my blog that I haven’t posted and it feels a little weird and a little eye opening (pun intended). I had an accident on my way to the Blogpaws conference two weeks ago. I was rushing because I am always totally over-committed and stabbed myself in my left eye with a round bristle brush. It hurt. Badly. I was and am mad at myself that I created this injury and tried to shake it off the best… Continue Reading

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It’s My Birthday And I Will Do What I Want To

It’s My Birthday And I Will Do What I Want To

Another year. Another Birthday. But, this year is going to be the best yet because I have been reciting my mantra and putting these things into place. It is one thing to say them and it is another thing to actually do what you say. So, for my Birthday this year: – I am not doing anything I don’t actually want to do. – I am not feeling obligated to anyone. – I am only doing what makes me happy. So, if you missed it here is the mantra…… Sound like a plan? I do have a little wish though…. Continue Reading

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Melany’s Mantra: Repeat, Rinse And Repeat

Melany's Mantra

Every morning I swear to repeat this mantra. I am going to print it out and hang on my mirror. It is the summer and I want to take some time for myself while still being able to do the things I WANT to do. This means not feeling obligated to do things others think I SHOULD be doing. Here we go. Cue the chanting music and theme lighting. Add a candle and throw in some incense but please spare me the Nag Champa. I think I left that scent back in San Francisco on Haight Street when I was… Continue Reading

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Happy Mother’s Day: I Won

Happy Mother's Day - I won

It is Mother’s Day weekend and I know I am giving away a Mother’s Day prize pack but I won the ultimate prize with my mommy! You probably know her, as she is my biggest fan and supporter. The only woman in my life that I love with all of my heart, can count on no matter what, tells me the truth even though it sometimes hard to hear, loves me unconditionally and my BEST friend. She is there for me any time of day or night and is always ready to fly out and spend time with her baby… Continue Reading

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3 Pieces of Relationship Advice You Should Never Follow

3 Pieces of Relationship Advice You Should Never Follow

Love this super snarky post from Laura! She is really getting the hang of the snark! Well done and great tips here. I would have been equally annoyed with this guy and probably would have told him where he could go before he proceeded with point two. Take it away. Last night I came face to face with my first ever real life ‘Life Coach’. And I can quite honestly say that I could have gone my entire life without meeting him, or any other life coach for that matter, and been perfectly happy. But this article is not about… Continue Reading

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Find Gift Inspiration for Friends with My Guide

Find Gift Inspiration for Friends with My Guide

It has been a few weeks since we have enjoyed a post from Laura. Happy to share this great post for friend gift inspo. BTW: she mentions jewelry here and you should stay tuned for an exciting jewelry announcement next week! Getting gifts for friends can be easy, or it can take you forever. It’s often harder when you haven’t been friends long. Then it gets easier as you get to know each other better, and then harder again when you start running out of ideas. I love shopping for my besties, but wanting to make them happy means it… Continue Reading

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Social Media “No-No’s” and Pet Peeves

Social Media “No-No’s” and Pet Peaves

Let’s face it. The majority of us spend a lot of time online. I think I might spend more than the average person (and Teddy Brewski more than the average puppy) on some form of electronic device. To be fair, it is my job and there are many things I love about being fully online and engaged with people from all over the world on my computer or phone. However there are some “no-no’s” that people do online that drive me up the wall. 1. Being a flat out nasty, hater or troll. We are very lucky to enjoy our… Continue Reading

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We Are Better Than This

Violent protesting is not OK. Freedom of speech is OK. Come on America. Be better than th

I don’t cover politics on my blog or on my social media channels. MelanysGuydlines was created as a cathartic outlet for snarky jokes and laughter. Don’t we have enough to deal with on a daily basis? MG should be a place to come and escape issues we face in our daily lives. But, today I wanted to share something on the blog because it should be shared here too. First, I tweeted this. Second, I shared on Facebook and some moron replied to the post with such a rude comment that I won’t repeat it here. What I said in… Continue Reading

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How To Make Your Valentine’s Day Special When Sticking To A Budget

How To Make Your Valentine's Day Special When Sticking To A Budget

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to celebrate any holiday! Valentine’s Day is no different. Check out some great suggestions from Laura on how to make your Valentine’s Day special while on a budget! Valentine’s day should be all about showing your partner just how much they mean to you. But if your bank balance is still recovering from the holidays, you may be concerned that it won’t be particularly special this year. Expensive gifts and dining at fancy restaurants may be what is traditionally expected on this day. But these are not always the best way… Continue Reading

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Grab Your (Love) Life by the Horns with Some Big Changes

Grab Your (Love) Life by the Horns with Some Big Changes

Another great post from Laura with suggestions on what we all can do to make our love lives better. I was just talking about this with a friend. You must be happy with yourself before you can be happy in a relationship, right? Thanks Laura and happy weekend! How can you be successful in your love life if you don’t have the rest of your life together? Some women might feel like their romantic relationship is the only good thing they have. However, if you’re not having much luck with romance, it could be because you need to focus on… Continue Reading

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