


May 2021 Be A Better Year For Us All

May 2021 Be A Better Year For Us All

To good friends. Wherever they may be. This is the face I still make when I go to sleep at night knowing who I am, what I stand for, having pride in my name and being a kind human being. The face I make going to sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow will be a new dawn, a new day and the beginning of a new year. The face I make wishing every day that I will remain a positive, good human being continuing to break free of negative users that are endlessly attracted to me without losing my faith in… Continue Reading

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Passover Isn’t Cancelled: Why Is It Different From All Others?

Passover Isn’t Cancelled: Why Is It Different From All Others?

We ask, “Why is tonight different from all other nights?” Mah nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?   Passover is about uniting as one and overcoming a treacherous journey through unfamiliar land, while persevering with strength and faith. It celebrates The Exodus of the Jewish people escaping freedom from slavery and the 10 plagues which struck down their oppressors. The Jews were protected from these plagues and their homes were “Passed Over” by having faith and following the commandments of Moses. This Passover is not cancelled. It is a time for us to reflect. Why is this Passover different from all… Continue Reading

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Rosh Hashanah: Spiritual Healing Begins From Within

To all my family and friends who observe, wishing you a very happy and sweet Rosh Hashanah. During the commencement of the Jewish New Year let this first night begin a spiritual journey of introspection and repentance. Let us sit quietly for a moment away from our electronics and focus on ourselves. Spiritual healing and forgiveness must begin from within. From there we may then ask ….. To those I may have wronged…..I ask for forgiveness. To those I may have helped….I wish I had done more. To those I may have neglected to help….I ask for understanding. To those… Continue Reading

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Put That Phone Down!!!

Nothing like deleting 7,500 of 44,572 photos for 2 hours from my phone to realize: 1. How many selfies it takes to get a sharable melfie. What a waste of time. 2. How many dumb asses I have dated. All of them…. but it’s a learning experience, right? 3. How many “emotional vampires” I have known, dumped and how many I still need to get rid of (Thanks Steph for the perfect term). Cleaning house feels so good. 4. How bad shopping is online and that nothing ever looks the same once you order and try it on at home…. Continue Reading

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New Years Resolutions Are Lame: Snarky Guydlines Are Forever 2019

As I sit here on the eve of 2019, I take time to review my past New Years Eve posts full “guydlines-isms” and it is not surprising that I agree with 100% of what I have had to say in the past. I told you many times I am smarter than I look. Right? This year is no different.  It is time for us to ring in another year and I am very excited and optimistic for 2019 because it has to be better than 2018 and hope that I don’t repeat mistakes of the past. Like I always say,… Continue Reading

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I Am Most Thankful For…..REMIX Thanksgiving 2018

Happy Thanksgiving! This post is a classic remix from when I first started this blog in 2012! It gave me a LOL! Feel free to add to it in the comments. I am THANKFUL for: Being raised by the 2 most amazing people who have been supportive through all my 9 lives and taught me never to be scared of my own shadow. Being blessed to have had a sister that I shared everything with and knowing that she is watching over me every day. Having the strength to kick ass literally and figuratively. Puppies. All of them, especially Teddy… Continue Reading

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The Most Important Ingredient to Happy Relationships

This post by Laura today is spot on! The reason I haven’t been posting as often is that I am taking time for myself! Time to love myself! Words of wisdom in this post. Take it away….. Relationships are a lot like recipes, in that there is a recipe for relationship success and there’s a recipe for relationship misery. Of course, you need to use quality ingredients in order to create a beautiful cake, as if you use rotten ingredients then the end result isn’t going to taste nice, and if you miss an essential ingredient, the cake simply won’t… Continue Reading

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Tips To Help The Men In Your Life Dress Better

Tips To Help The Men In Your Life Dress Better

Thanks to Laura for this post about men’s fashion! I totally agree with all the tips here especially the one about tight fitting shirts. Guys, just don’t! Take it away Laura….. Sometimes it falls to you to make sure that the men in your life dress right, if it were up to them then they’d spend all day wearing sweatpants and scruffy t-shirts. It’s especially important when men are getting a little older because there are a lot of simple fashion mistakes that they make which can make them look ridiculous. These are some of… Continue Reading

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It Must Be Love: 4 Relationship Material Qualities In Men

  Dating is hard but here are a few guydlines for you from Laura! Take it away…. Dating in the 21st century is a minefield. From Bumble to Tinder, it’s hard to meet new people without vetting their online dating profile first. In fact, it’s difficult to meet new people in general because no one talks face to face anymore! So, finding out about a potential love interest’s personal qualities isn’t easy. Is he joking? Is he lying? Is he real?! Hopefully, he is legitimate in every sense of the word. But, to figure him out for real, you should… Continue Reading

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I Swiped Right On Your Face Because

I totally swiped right on your face because you have/are: 1. A clear mugshot as your main profile photo. 2. Posing with the infamous hand on your hip pose to hide whatever you think you are hiding but are not and everyone knows it. 3. A selfie of you in the gym sans sleeves and wired headphones in your ears with a perfectly pressed shirt. 4. Failed to fill out the one and only question listed on the app. 5. A picture with a bunch of ladies surrounding you. 6. A picture with a bunch of guys so I have… Continue Reading

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Dating & Texting No No’s: Call Me If You Aren’t Amphibian or Reptilian

Dating & Texting No No's: Call Me If You Aren't Amphibian or Reptilian

Gentlemen. If you really want to get to know a girl better and perhaps go on a date, incessant texting lengthy interview-like questions is not going to cut it. Don’t have time for that. I type all day. I have around 100k of those types of relationships. Pick up a damn phone. I need to make sure you don’t sound like Kermit. Though, I hear that you need to kiss a lot of frogs. CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or reptilian. We know I have had plenty of both in my life.  CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or… Continue Reading

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Meeting The Birthday Deadline

I’m back! I have been celebrating my birthday for almost a month but did not forget about you! PROMISE! Thankfully, Laura has a great post today (and is appropriately themed) while I try and catch up! ENJOY! No matter how much you love the man in your life, or how well you know him, whenever their birthdays come around it feels like he’s suddenly become the most impossible person in the world to shop for. Maybe it’s because you don’t completely understand his hobbies, or you feel like you have to top the present you gave him last year, but… Continue Reading

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