


My 2 Cents: Rocking Social Media

Being a flytrap for stupid people on a daily basis allows me no shortage for writing material. I will get into that a little further when I return to the place where my clothes live. Also, known to some as “home”. I have been traveling so much that Southwest sends a few emails a week to inform me “Your trip is around the corner” while I am still on a trip. Whatever? Home is where the heart is or where my clothes and purses live. Right? But, I thought I would share this golden nugget of knowledge with all of… Continue Reading

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16 Things I Pack But Never Wear While Traveling

Tomorrow, I leave for San Diego to attend Social Media Marketing World and excited to meet some more people in my field. What I am not looking forward to is packing. I mean let’s be honest – I am living out of a suitcase in my spare bedroom from my last trip. My bathroom products are still in protective double plastic bags in my other sink. I double bag all my products – I am a product whore – we have already established that but each lotion, remover and whatever else l think I am going to need while on… Continue Reading

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Wellness® Pet Food: The only food for Teddy Brewski

You know that Teddy Brewski is my number one fan and the second most important male in my life (besides my father). So, when I saw the opportunity to post about Wellness® Pet Food and the importance of healthy nutrition for my best friend – I needed to chime in. When he was just a baby puppy I was totally overwhelmed with the choices of dog food. After trying several all natural foods (and surviving the stench that followed) I finally found Wellness® Pet Food. Well, Wellness dog food is good for Teddy Brewski, his tummy and for my nose…. Continue Reading

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My Chic Little Secret: Vapor Couture ECig Exclusively for Women

Thank God it is Friday and it is the start of March Madness. The University of Arizona is set to take the court in a few hours and I am ready for my weekend. Did I earn it? Too bad I have so much work to catch up on following a few very tough weeks. Needless to say, I am a stress case now (and always – honestly) and try very hard to harness my stress in productive ways. You know, having a grey goose soda and shopping! It works for me. Don’t judge. We all have our dirty little… Continue Reading

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“Hang on Sloopy”: Ramsey Lewis’s Music is Smooth Like Honey

If you have not heard (you are living under a rock and need to check Melanysguydlines more often) because we are doing a contest with nearly 10,000 entries in just one week! The prize is from Jan Lewis Designs who is featured in the Official Oscar Nominee gift bag. The winner will receive $400 worth of her signature bangles, celebration scarf and tie inspired by her multi-Grammy award-winning husband Ramsey Lewis. It is clear from the success of the contest that Jan Lewis is a star. But, what you may not know is her husband has been regarded as an… Continue Reading

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Insomnia: Top 12 Things (NOT) To Do When I Can’t Sleep

Just woke up with a start and was thinking how can I write a blog post at 3:00AM without it sounding weird. Well, that already sounds weird so here is a list of the top things I do when abruptly interrupted from my much needed beauty rest. (Please note all of these are done while tip-toeing as not to wake up my sleeping beauty AKA  – Teddy Brewski because once he starts barking, he will NEVER stop. Dogs don’t have internal alarm clocks. We are their clocks). 1. Pee- Don’t you? Usually the reason I wake up in the middle… Continue Reading

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Oscar Goes To You: Win $400 Official Oscar Nominee Gifts by Jan Lewis

Happy ridicule ugly dresses and praise beautiful gowns day aka day after the Academy Awards! How many of you enjoyed the show last night? I must admit that I watched but my ADD set it and Twitter took over so I missed parts of the show. But, I am happy Jared Leto (my boyfriend) has finally received recognition because we have been dating since he was on “My So Called Life”. Not really, but I want one of him on that show-NOW. Also, I have yet to see “Wolf of Wall Street” but probably need to find a date for… Continue Reading

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Dating Oscar Goes to Mr. Piggy

It is pre-Oscar week and in Hollywood that means there is a lot going on. A lot meaning way more than what is going on in my love life, which is nothing unless you count that atrocious date, I went on last week. I have totally exhausted all of my patience with the men via online dating sites and have left the pleasure of interacting with these gems to my mother who doesn’t mind talking to unsuspecting guys in hopes of finding a diamond in the rough. Well, she has not done badly until last week. But, in all honesty… Continue Reading

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When Animals Attack: Dating Interference

  The Shorty Awards nominations are over and I hope I did not miss the honor by one spot. I will be ok with it (I will not, but my vodka is chilling and ready for consumption at 4:59PM to soothe my soul -just in case). Stay tuned as they are calculating right NOW! If I did not win, I am convinced outside forces in which I had no control over affected the outcome. Animals. You know? When animals attack? In the past week, I had interference from all of the following “animals”, which prevented proper promoting,  blogging, (and successful… Continue Reading

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Dating & Sex with Patti Stanger & Perez Hilton for

As most of you know, I drove to Arizona a few weeks ago for relaxation and to step away from my keyboard. And….I failed miserably at relaxing plus got a speeding ticket along the way. So, not the most fun trip but, I did take part in a discussion with the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger and Perez Hilton discussing love, dating and sex findings from 2014 study. The event looked Ah–mazing in New York and I am bummed that I could not actually be at there in RL. However, I was selected to represent the West Coast blogging community… Continue Reading

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Mel’s Hits & Misses Valentines Day 2014-PART 2

Accessories Council’s #ACTOPPICKS Valentine’s Day Gift Bag

I love accessories more than anyone. This is an honest AND fair statement! I have been known as the girl with “long blonde hair, big brown eyes, long nails and lots of jewelry” ever since I can remember (Melanie Felony time). I would have more things hanging from me than Mr. XMAS tree if I could work it fabulously. Too bad I haven’t met Mr. Right to slide a sparkler on my ring finger. Come on cupid – how is the shooting practice going? Anyway, if it doesn’t glitter, sparkle, have studs or catch your eye – I am not… Continue Reading

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Mel’s Hits & Misses Valentines Day 2014-PART 1

It is that time of year and since people think I am some sort of  a relationship expert –ish, I have received many awesome and not so awesome product reviews/requests. I wish my dating prospects were as good as some of these items. I hope my chubby, cherub a.k.a. cupid has been going to the shooting range. I will pay for him to have lessons to improve his aim and stop hitting all the asses of assholes. At this point, I would rather have Ted…..ehh Teddy Brewski than any other prospects. Cupid – you listening? 1. Ted Doll (I found… Continue Reading

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