


Small Gestures To Show Your Partner You Love Them

Small Gestures To Show Your Partner You Love Them

If you are deeply in love with your partner, it’s a good idea to show them from time to time. Saying “I love you” at the end of telephone calls sometimes isn’t enough. However, I know from experience how difficult it can be to come up with the best gestures. With that in mind, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking of different ideas you might like to try. I’ve even used some of them myself in the past, and so I’m pretty confident you’ll get some good results. Of course, you are free to do whatever you think is… Continue Reading

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4 Steps to “Win” the Break-Up

4 Steps to “Win” the Break-Up

Thank you to Kristin O’Brien for this guest post about winning after a break-up. Take it away! When a relationship comes to an end, it can be hard to keep from over-analyzing the situation and worrying yourself over what went wrong. If you’ve just gone through a tough break-up, the best thing you can do is to take the opportunity to get reacquainted with yourself. Find ways to remember all the reasons you love yourself and all of the reasons you are independently fantastic. Of course, it’s hard not to constantly check in on what your ex is doing through… Continue Reading

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6 Things Every Girl Should Know About Relationships

6 Things Every Girl Should Know About Relationships

One thing I’ve noticed about girls is that they tend to romanticize relationships. There are plenty of ladies out there who think that getting with someone is the answer to all their problems. Well, it’s not. A relationship is not the main course – it’s more of a side dish. That means that it should be a bonus, rather than everything to you. When you get with someone, you have to know that it’s what you want. Here are six things every girl should know about relationships. #1 Both of you have to work at it Relationships are two-sided things…. Continue Reading

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The Best TV Shows To Snuggle Up And Watch With Your Boyfriend

The Best TV Shows To Snuggle Up And Watch With Your Boyfriend

It is my BIRTHDAY today so why not have Laura (one of our writers) post so I can continue to celebrate? Let’s talk TV shows and snuggling with boyfriends. Take it away….. We all love to lounge around in our comfortable clothes after a long day at work. If you are lucky enough to have a boyfriend who wants to spend time with you, it might be wise to plan your viewing schedule in advance. The issue is that most of the best TV shows are made up of hundreds of episodes at the current time. So, starting to watch… Continue Reading

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Are You Feeling Lucky This St. Patrick’s Day? You Need VH1’s Walk of Shame Shuttle

Snarky, Barky and Melarkey

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of you! Hope you have a fantastic day today. Pinch me! I just got back from Las Vegas and have over 2000 emails to check so not sure I will be having the most memorable celebration until I get through all of these. Then, I can promise you I will need a bunch of drinks. I did come home to one of the cutest packages from VH1. They sure thought I was going to get lucky tonight. Check out this adorbs Walk of Shame Survival kit from the new hit show, “Walk of Shame… Continue Reading

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32 Snarky Relationships Tips from My Dog Teddy Brewski- PART 2

32 snarky relationship tips from my dog Teddy brewski - part 2

There are so many posts on this site that sometimes I forget snarky nuggets I have written. Thankfully, there are sites that help me get content to you without it being lost in the blogosphere forever such as StumbleUpon. If you don’t know it, you should. You could spend the rest of your life on that site and never get up to go to the bathroom. I don’t recommend it because I dated a guy that did things like that and I think he is still sitting in front of his computer, but I do recommend allotting a certain amount… Continue Reading

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Valentine’s Day: Who Needs Cupid When You Have eHarmony?

Valentines Day: Who Needs Cupid When you have eHarmony?

Valentine’s Day is a special holiday and if you get lucky enough maybe it will be warm, fuzzy and touchy-feely in all the right places. I like warm and fuzzy. Who doesn’t? Who are you going to get touchy-feely with and where will you find this person? You don’t want to just spend this holiday with just anyone do you? You deserve better than that and so do I! Combined with the pressure to find that perfect someone and because your parents want grandchildren before they are too old, the search can become overwhelming and exhausting. But, you have to… Continue Reading

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What Do You Really Know About Singles In America?

Singles In America study by

I was excited to be invited to’s event for #SinglesInAmerica again this year. For five years, has brought America’s most detailed study on singles and their beliefs and behaviors. This year they surveyed more than 5,600 diverse singles from all races, ages and walks of life with the help of ResearchNow and Dr. Helen Fisher (an expert on dating). The survey aims at representing real single people. It is not just aimed at users and is super comprehensive. The event was so successful that the #SinglesInAmerica trended on twitter for the third year in a row! I… Continue Reading

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How Snarky Are You? Quiz

how snarky are you quiz?

  Take this quiz I created with the help of Riddle App and tell me – How snarky are you? Take this quiz I created with Riddle App & tell me – How snarky are you? Click To Tweet Snark Royalty or just Snarky Junior? Everyone’s got a bit of snarky in him or her. Put your personality to the test. We will break down your inner snark and let you know where you reside in Snarkland! That may even be too much mention of the “S” word for me. Snark Royalty or just Snarky Junior? Everyone’s got a bit… Continue Reading

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21 Things I Can’t Travel Without

21 Things I Can’t Travel Without

If you have been keeping up with me that is better than what I am doing. I was actually in one place for longer than two months in July and August and my suitcase called to tell me that he needed a workout, so I obliged. People always tell me I need to put roots down but every time I try to put down the anchor other things pop up in my schedule that need to be attended to for work. Just this week, I traveled from Scottsdale, AZ to Beverly Hills, CA and then next week I will travel… Continue Reading

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Dating Warnings: The Shirt Test

Dating warning: The shirt test

I have learned a few things navigating the dangerous shark infested dating waters along the West Coast and that is make sure you date a guy before, on and after the first of the month to make sure he sticks around for another month. Don’t get too close too fast because you never really know who or what you are dealing with. Just like the infamous “Dear John” who boasted that he created DSL and walked on water when in reality he couldn’t afford a bottle of Evian and slept on his sisters couch.  the infamous “Dear John” who boasted… Continue Reading

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Digital Pen Pals: Online Dating Time Wasters

Digital Pen Pals: Online Dating Time Wasters

Social Media rocks and advances in technology are cool but it is killing my dating life. I can’t remember the last time a guy actually picked up the phone and called me. Also, what is the deal with online dating and guys just wanting to be just texting or email pals? I have enough pals-PAL.  what is the deal with online dating and guys just wanting to be just texting or email pals? I have enough pals-PAL. Click To Tweet If we have been talking via the computer or some other typing device I want to meet before Teddy Brewski… Continue Reading

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