


6 Things You’re Probably Doing to Turn off Men Without Even Realizing it

6 Things You're Probably Doing to Turn off Men Without Even Realizing it

I have a special treat for you today! We have a guest post from a guy’s perspective! Too bad I am guilty of some of these things (5 and 6). HA. Take it away Patrick! Guys love girls. We love the way they smell. We love the way they walk. We love the way they dress in the summer, and the way they snuggle up to us at night. We love it when they laugh at our jokes. And when they let down their hair. Guys love girls but, still, there are a few things girls do that we don’t… Continue Reading

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The Ultimate Guide To Meeting The Man Of Your Dreams In 2016

The Ultimate Guide To Meeting The Man Of Your Dreams In 2016

  And it is time to throw it over to Laura for another great post! Take it away…… drum roll please: The Ultimate Guide To Meeting The Man Of Your Dreams In 2016 – take notes! We are all on a mission to find the right person for us. Whether we are aware of it or not. Some of us are lucky enough to find ‘the one’ very quickly and make the whole process seem easy and carefree. But for the rest of us struggle to find anybody and always question what is going wrong. It’s important to remember that… Continue Reading

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Smell The Roses Or The Turkey: Thank-full

ROSES Take time to smell them. No matter how fast life travels there is always time to find the beauty in each and every one of our lives.

It is about that time to stuff our faces with turkey and bust out of our pants but before you start stuffing your punim with pie let me thank each of you for being supportive of this snarky blog! If you don’t support, what is wrong with you? You know, it is never too late to fix stupid. So, do it. It has been a wild and crazy ride these past few years but I am thankful that I can do what I love and make money being the snarky betch you have all come to love or (not). So… Continue Reading

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The Style Guide: Give Your Man A Makeover

The Style Guide: Give Your Man A Makeover

Here are some great tips from Laura for your guy! Remember….a man should be stylin’ too!!…. Take it away…… It’s an unfortunate truth that many guys simply don’t know how to dress well. It’s part of what makes them charming, but sometimes we’d like them to at least know how to make the effort. If you’re going to a formal event, you can feel a little uneasy if your partner isn’t quite dressed for the occasion. I’m here to help you give him a little advice and turn him into a style icon you can be proud of. Where do… Continue Reading

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Hollywood (Hollyweird): So Cliché, But This Is LA

Hollywood (Hollyweird): So Cliché, But This Is LA

I am in Los Angeles for the week and thought I would revisit a post that describes how living in Los Angeles is not like what you see on TV. There are some great parts about living in Southern California (including the weather and the shopping) but there are some other reasons that make it challenging to live and navigate this harsh environment (they could probably film an episode of Naked and Afraid in some parts of LA). So, while I am in Beverly Hills, I thought I would share one of my favorite snarky posts and see if you… Continue Reading

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“The every presence of mediocrity requires constant vigilance. Mediocrity is everywhere. If you allow mediocrity to happen you fall into the commonplace and you become ordinary

Words from the wise a.k.a. my dad from his mentor. “The ever presence of mediocrity requires constant vigilance. Mediocrity is everywhere. If you allow mediocrity to happen, you fall into the commonplace and you become ordinary.” Do you know what this means? Do you know someone like this? Is it you? Don’t let it be and don’t stand for it in the workplace, in your relationships or in any part of your life. So, stand out. Work hard. Go for… Continue Reading

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Fantastic Presents For A Boyfriend Who’s Hard To Buy For

Fantastic Presents For A Boyfriend Who's Hard To Buy For

Can we just agree that buying a gift for a guy, any guy is hard. I had a boyfriend once, a long time ago now. I bought him this lovely designer jacket. It was perfect and incredibly stylish. Do you know what he did? He asked me how much it was and when I finally told him, asked for the receipt. He then said it was a waste of money, took it back and bought a different jack for a tenner from a superstore. Needless to say, he wasn’t my boyfriend for much longer. I think most guys think girls… Continue Reading

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12 Gift Ideas Your Boyfriend Would Never Think to Get You (but that you really want!)

12 Gift Ideas Your Boyfriend Would Never Think to Get You (but that you really want!)

Picture source If you have a super thoughtful boyfriend, then count yourself lucky! Especially when it comes to birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas. Some guys spend the whole year coming up with ideas of what to get you and how to spoil you. Others just walk into a shop and buy the first thing they see. You know, the cards that say ‘Happy Birthday Grandma’ because they didn’t read it… Yeah, we’ve all had one of those. Even if you do have a thoughtful boyfriend, there are some things they just won’t buy for you. Despite you desperately wanting or even… Continue Reading

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How to Communicate in a New Relationship

How to communicate in a new relationship

Navigating the beginnings of a new relationship is notoriously hard. When are you moving too fast and when are you moving too slow? Communicating with someone new is fraught with potential ways to mess up. If you come on too strong, you could scare them off. But if you play it too cool, they might think you’re not interested. How should you communicate when you’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks or even days? Use the tips below to navigate this complicated point in your budding relationship. And hopefully, you can help it develop into something more…. Continue Reading

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What to Get Your New Boyfriend for His Birthday

What to Get Your New Boyfriend for His Birthday

Thank you to Cameron Hill for this post while I catch up from my trip to LA! Enjoy. It’s your boyfriend’s birthday and you’re freaking out. Why? Because you’ve only been dating for one month. Normally, that wouldn’t be such a big deal. You know how to play it casual and not rush things. But this man! There’s something special about him. As much as you try not to think about it, you can’t shake the feeling that it really was love at first sight. So what to do for his birthday? You know you can’t go big right now,… Continue Reading

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Take Control of Your Breakup With These Post-Relationship Methods

I have been under the weather and a bit mia but thankfully Sara is here to save the day with this post. When you’ve just been through a breakup, it can be a difficult and emotional time for you. No doubt you’re feeling vulnerable and upset. It’s easy to beat yourself up and over analyse things, wondering where you went wrong. This isn’t healthy, and you need to avoid doing this where you can. IMAGE SOURCE Instead, what you need to do is approach the breakup with maturity and confidence. You have some options that you can focus on here…. Continue Reading

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How to Make Yourself More Dateable

How to Make Yourself More Dateable

  So, you’ve been out of the dating game for a while? Maybe you went through a break-up and you felt the need to stay on the sidelines while your heart healed. Maybe you’ve been too busy with your career to slow down and find someone to share life with. Or maybe there’s been nothing stopping you but the fear that comes from low self-confidence. Whatever the reasons, if you’ve decided you’re ready to get out there and start dating, you’ll want to stop and take a few moments to conduct something of a personal inventory. Maybe you’re tired of… Continue Reading

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