


Can’t Find The One? These Barriers Could Be Holding You Back

Thank you to Laura for these great tips for finding love in this modern age.  Most of us envisage ourselves falling head over heels in the style of a Disney movie at some point in our lives. If you’re single, and you can’t seem to find the one, you may be losing hope. But hang in there! They say there’s somebody out there for everyone, so don’t lose hope. If you’re struggling in your pursuit of true love, perhaps these barriers are holding you back. You’re looking in the wrong place Are you looking for Prince Charming? Are you hoping… Continue Reading

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The Pitfalls of Finding Love in The Digital Age

The Pitfalls of Finding Love in The Digital Age

Thank you Laura for this post! You hit the nail on the head once again. Finding love in the digital age is not easy for sure. Finding love is pretty high on most people’s life goals lists. But in case you have been under a rock for the last 10 years you might have notice that the playing field has changed somewhat. No longer do people meet in real life. No that is just too simple. Now you have to negotiate a complex system of online trials before you a granted an audience. These include your ability to take a… Continue Reading

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How To Find The Best Online Dating Site

How To Find The Best Online Dating Site

Thank you to Sara Altschule for this post and the information about how to find the best online dating site. It can be confusing with so many options. Right? Well, let Sara break it down for you. Take it away…… You rarely ever hear someone say, “I love dating! It’s so easy!” And if you did, you’d probably want to give one big eye roll in their direction. Dating isn’t easy at all. It’s filled with confusion, excitement, disappointments and a whole lot more! So, it comes to no surprise that dating online doesn’t come easily either – let alone,… Continue Reading

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Fun Date Night Ideas That You Might Never Have Thought Of

Never. Ever. Ever. I repeat. Never try and do two moves into a new house in two weeks. Can’t move. Answer is no to everything and everyone until my mom and I can walk again. Didn’t finish moving into house until 9pm with not 1 box unpacked. Thinking about taking mom to an island in Hawaii next week with no wifi. Seriously. And Laura to the rescue again…..this time about fun date night ideas! I would love to have a fun date night right now! Whether you are in a new relationship or have been married for several years, date… Continue Reading

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3 Pieces of Relationship Advice You Should Never Follow

3 Pieces of Relationship Advice You Should Never Follow

Love this super snarky post from Laura! She is really getting the hang of the snark! Well done and great tips here. I would have been equally annoyed with this guy and probably would have told him where he could go before he proceeded with point two. Take it away. Last night I came face to face with my first ever real life ‘Life Coach’. And I can quite honestly say that I could have gone my entire life without meeting him, or any other life coach for that matter, and been perfectly happy. But this article is not about… Continue Reading

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All The Best Beauty Tricks For Impressing On A First Date

All The Best Beauty Tricks For Impressing On A First Date

Thank you Laura for the guest post! Take notes ladies. Some good “guydlines” here from Laura. Having a great time on a first date is all about confidence, which is why it’s so important that you look good. When you look good, your confidence levels soar, making you happier and more relaxed. First dates are stressful enough, without the added worry of whether you look nice. That’s why when it comes to wowing on a first date, it’s important that you get your beauty routine spot on. Want to ensure that you look and feel fantastic on your next date?… Continue Reading

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How To Make Your Valentine’s Day Special When Sticking To A Budget

How To Make Your Valentine's Day Special When Sticking To A Budget

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to celebrate any holiday! Valentine’s Day is no different. Check out some great suggestions from Laura on how to make your Valentine’s Day special while on a budget! Valentine’s day should be all about showing your partner just how much they mean to you. But if your bank balance is still recovering from the holidays, you may be concerned that it won’t be particularly special this year. Expensive gifts and dining at fancy restaurants may be what is traditionally expected on this day. But these are not always the best way… Continue Reading

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Grab Your (Love) Life by the Horns with Some Big Changes

Grab Your (Love) Life by the Horns with Some Big Changes

Another great post from Laura with suggestions on what we all can do to make our love lives better. I was just talking about this with a friend. You must be happy with yourself before you can be happy in a relationship, right? Thanks Laura and happy weekend! How can you be successful in your love life if you don’t have the rest of your life together? Some women might feel like their romantic relationship is the only good thing they have. However, if you’re not having much luck with romance, it could be because you need to focus on… Continue Reading

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How to Give Your Love Life a Quick Boost


This is a lovely post just in time for Valentines Day! I am going to take some of these suggestions and use them. So should you! Thanks Laura for another great post. Valentine’s day is just around the corner, so you might want to perk your love life up a little before it arrives. Whether you’re currently in a relationship or you’re as free as a bird, here are some tips to give your love life a quick boost: Focus on Your Daily Habits Your daily habits will have a lot to do with the state of your current relationship… Continue Reading

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The Ultimate Guide to Getting Him the Right Gift

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Him the Right Gift

This post from Laura rocks! Getting your guy the best gift can be so challenging, right? So, check out this guide to getting your man the RIGHT gift! Take special note because Valentines Day is right around the corner and The V-day gift idea is awesome! I would love a unique experience like that. Anyone want to be my Valentine? Happy shopping 🙂 There are lots of times when you might have to buy your guy a gift. Some of them come around every year, and others are rare events. It might be his birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas or your… Continue Reading

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Date Night Fashion Tips For Wowing Him

Date Night Fashion Tips For Wowing Him

I am so thankful to Laura this week as she has written tons of great posts for you and is helping me so I can catch up! I will be out of town next week and hoping to get some great shots at the Golden Globes parties! But have no fear, there is never a lack of snarky, guydlines including these dating and fashion tips for you! Take notes from this post….. So you’ve got a date with Mr. Right, but you’re starting to stress out about what to wear. First dates are stressful enough, without the added worry of… Continue Reading

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6 Reasons Why You Should Get Married at a Golf Club

6 Reasons Why You Should Get Married at a Golf Club

  ‘Tis the season for engagements and babies – OH MY! Right? So, this guest post came at the perfect time! 6 reasons why you should get married on a golf course. Plus, since moving to Arizona last year the one thing I have wanted to do but not done is learn how to play golf! Anyone want to teach me? I have brand new clubs handy! Take it away Laura…. The venue where you get married sets the tone for this important event. If you want a beautifully landscaped backdrop with plenty of amenities built in, a golf-club wedding… Continue Reading

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