


Snarky: With A “Y”

cactus dress

Hello. Is this thing on? I have been taking some much-needed time off! My body told me it was time and I couldn’t argue. I miss writing on this here blog and will resume just as soon as I am totally rested and recharged! If you are missing me, you can always check me out on my social media channels. See those little icons in the top right hand corner – use them. I am posting there and promise it will not disappoint. I hope. So, in the meantime let me share with you my favorite compilation of videos for… Continue Reading

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Crossing The Threshold Before You Tie The Knot

Thanks Laura for this interesting post about moving in together before marriage!  I know a lot about “moving” LOLOL! Take is away…. SOURCE For a lot of people in the modern world, marriage might not mean as much as it did for those living in the past. With most feeling that their relationship is much stronger than a ceremony, it’s easy to feel happy in a long term relationship which doesn’t mean changing your name. Of course, though, for some, tradition is very important and marriage is still sacred. To help you to make sure that you’re both committed enough… Continue Reading

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New Year’s Resolutions Are Lame: Guydlines Are Forever

New Years Resolutions Are Lame: Guydlines Are Forever

As I sit here on the eve of 2018, I take time to review my past New Years Eve posts full “guydlines-isms” and it is not surprising that I agree with 100% of what I have had to say in the past. I told you many times I am smarter than I look. Right? It is time for us to ring in another year and I am very excited and optimistic for 2018 (it may just be because I am cleansing and a little light headed but whatever). First, I want to say thank you for giving me the opportunity… Continue Reading

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My Single Holiday Jingle

My Single Holiday Jingle

  Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. Please bring me a nice, young man to kiss this year. Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. See….. I’m in my cool NFL FanStyle, Cardinals gear! Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. Please bring me a nice, young man to kiss this year. Does anyone know the person in charge of the the tree wishes and jingle requests? Does anyone know the person… Continue Reading

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It Must Be Love: 4 Relationship Material Qualities In Men

  Dating is hard but here are a few guydlines for you from Laura! Take it away…. Dating in the 21st century is a minefield. From Bumble to Tinder, it’s hard to meet new people without vetting their online dating profile first. In fact, it’s difficult to meet new people in general because no one talks face to face anymore! So, finding out about a potential love interest’s personal qualities isn’t easy. Is he joking? Is he lying? Is he real?! Hopefully, he is legitimate in every sense of the word. But, to figure him out for real, you should… Continue Reading

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I Swiped Right On Your Face Because

I totally swiped right on your face because you have/are: 1. A clear mugshot as your main profile photo. 2. Posing with the infamous hand on your hip pose to hide whatever you think you are hiding but are not and everyone knows it. 3. A selfie of you in the gym sans sleeves and wired headphones in your ears with a perfectly pressed shirt. 4. Failed to fill out the one and only question listed on the app. 5. A picture with a bunch of ladies surrounding you. 6. A picture with a bunch of guys so I have… Continue Reading

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Dating & Texting No No’s: Call Me If You Aren’t Amphibian or Reptilian

Dating & Texting No No's: Call Me If You Aren't Amphibian or Reptilian

Gentlemen. If you really want to get to know a girl better and perhaps go on a date, incessant texting lengthy interview-like questions is not going to cut it. Don’t have time for that. I type all day. I have around 100k of those types of relationships. Pick up a damn phone. I need to make sure you don’t sound like Kermit. Though, I hear that you need to kiss a lot of frogs. CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or reptilian. We know I have had plenty of both in my life.  CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or… Continue Reading

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Meeting The Birthday Deadline

I’m back! I have been celebrating my birthday for almost a month but did not forget about you! PROMISE! Thankfully, Laura has a great post today (and is appropriately themed) while I try and catch up! ENJOY! No matter how much you love the man in your life, or how well you know him, whenever their birthdays come around it feels like he’s suddenly become the most impossible person in the world to shop for. Maybe it’s because you don’t completely understand his hobbies, or you feel like you have to top the present you gave him last year, but… Continue Reading

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What Women Really Want In Life And Love

Thanks to Laura for this great post! Take it away…. At a time where blogs and online publication are full of articles designed to advise women on how to behave in their relationships, it seems important to remind yourself of what you want. You live in a complex world that is in constant evolution. Consequently, it’s likely that the advice you find about living a happy life may already be outdated, or they may not be suited to who you are. As a woman, you are not the fragile and passive princess of the fairy tales who waits for her… Continue Reading

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Dress To Impress: Some Advice For Bringing Out Your Inner Sexy

I’m in the market for a new partner! Are you? Read some tips from Laura on how to dress to impress and bring out your inner sexy. Take it away….. If you’re in the market for a new partner, you want to be looking your sexiest. It’s time to ditch the jogging bottoms and the team building t-shirt you got from work and find new ways to look even sexier. Here are some hot tips. Wear Lace Pexels Currently, sites like are offering discounts on Victoria Secret lines. That’s good news, since lace, according to Dr. Ava Cadell, is… Continue Reading

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A Gift Guy-de: Buying For Men Is Tricky

A Gift Guy-de: Buying For Men Is Tricky

Read this awesome gift “Guy-de” for what to buy men from Laura! She did it again with some great tips. Now, get shopping ladies. Buying gifts for men is tricky. Perhaps it’s only a stereotype or perhaps it’s the way we’ve been brainwashed to view shopping through advertising, but it often seems like the options for men are so scarce, other than clothing or technology. There comes a point, of course, when you find yourself growing tired of buying the same sort of thing for birthdays, Christmases and perhaps even anniversaries, if the man in question is your significant other…. Continue Reading

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How To Make Valentine’s Day As Individual As You Are

How To Make Valentine's Day As Individual As You Are

Thank you Laura for this post about Valentine’s day!! It is coming up next week. Are you ready? Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, but what if you’re turned off not on by the usual stuff that comes with the day love is celebrated across the world? If you can’t bear the thought of a giant cuddly toy, a single red rose and a cheesy declaration – don’t panic, you can still enjoy Valentine’s Day with your partner. The secret is making your day as individual as you and your man are. After all, your relationship isn’t the same as everyone… Continue Reading

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