


Work. Pack. Travel For Work. Repeat. Tweet. #SMMW15

My other fav blonde! Kim @KimReynolds

Happy Monday people! I am one step away from falling on my face but thought I would check in here first before I fall…down for a bit. The last few weeks have been insane but awesome nonetheless. Work. Pack. Travel for work. Repeat. I hate packing but you know that already from this 16 Things I Pack But Never Wear While Traveling. 1) 2 Types of zit cream. I think one is enough and even then, I never use it. 2) Cute shoes on the floor. They should stay there and if they are not comfy at home – why… Continue Reading

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Don’t Do These Things At A Social Media Conference

How big is your Klout? #smmw15pickuplines15

And…. commence packing ….again! I hate packing but have decided not to fully empty my suitcase any more because I am always on the road. Thanks to BMW for giving me this M suitcase so I can travel in style. And where am I off to next? Well, Social Media Marketing World in San Diego, CA. This is by far one of the best conferences and I highly suggest attending if you have the chance. Last year, I wrote a post called 16 Things Not To Do At (Any/Social Media) Conference and I just re-read that post and LOL’d. No… Continue Reading

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32 Snarky Relationships Tips from My Dog Teddy Brewski- PART 2

32 snarky relationship tips from my dog Teddy brewski - part 2

There are so many posts on this site that sometimes I forget snarky nuggets I have written. Thankfully, there are sites that help me get content to you without it being lost in the blogosphere forever such as StumbleUpon. If you don’t know it, you should. You could spend the rest of your life on that site and never get up to go to the bathroom. I don’t recommend it because I dated a guy that did things like that and I think he is still sitting in front of his computer, but I do recommend allotting a certain amount… Continue Reading

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Valentine’s Day: Who Needs Cupid When You Have eHarmony?

Valentines Day: Who Needs Cupid When you have eHarmony?

Valentine’s Day is a special holiday and if you get lucky enough maybe it will be warm, fuzzy and touchy-feely in all the right places. I like warm and fuzzy. Who doesn’t? Who are you going to get touchy-feely with and where will you find this person? You don’t want to just spend this holiday with just anyone do you? You deserve better than that and so do I! Combined with the pressure to find that perfect someone and because your parents want grandchildren before they are too old, the search can become overwhelming and exhausting. But, you have to… Continue Reading

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Snarky Picks For Super Bowl Weekend 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona

snarky picks for super bowl in scottsdale, az

As most of you know, I am a University of Arizona #Wildcatforlife, travel way too much for work on the West Coast but have just relocated to Scottsdale, Arizona which just happens to be the home for the Super Bowl this year a.k.a deflategate! Even though my 49ers did not have the greatest showing 2014/2015 and I hate Levi’s stadium, I am still a huge fan and love anything football (basketball and baseball) related. Plus, I have been known to know “where the party is at”, love my Grey Goose libations, awesome taste in music, food and fashion (if I… Continue Reading

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The Top 10 Most Annoying Top 10 Lists

The top ten most annoying top ten lists

I want to create a top 10 list of the most annoying top 10 lists. Yes, you read that right. Can you help me with this? I would love to know what types of top lists fill your feed or your time line. Whatever. Don’t be shy and I wont judge….well, I will but snarky commentary never hurt anyone. I already asked this question on twitter and Facebook and got some good answers but need more to compile a list. Note: I will never title it the “complete” list of the top 10 most annoying lists because that is annoying… Continue Reading

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Know What You Know. Know What You Don’t Know And Learn That Too!

WHAT’S UP PARTY PEOPLE? I have been up every single night since I have moved into my new places thanks to my fantastic puppy named Teddy Brewski! But, I am getting my new computer set up in a few minutes so I can blog my heart away even when Teddy decides to bark at 3 AND 5AM!! Moving update: Pretty much done unpacking because I can’t stand it anymore. Being OCD and ADD is a problem and right now I NEED to my computer and I must blog….a lot! However, I do need a new chair for my desk since… Continue Reading

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Get Honest With Honestli: Win $50 Itunes Or Google Play Gift Card

Get honets with Honestli

I pride myself on bringing you the most honest and snarky reviews on life, products, events, apps and more. So, when Honestli contacted MOI with their new anonymous community giving people a forum to honestly express themselves via their app, I was intrigued. This is NOT a place for bullies, just honest expression and I love that. Each member can share their thoughts, opinions, vent on everyday life, and even confess their innermost desires or embarrassing mistakes! Honestli contacted the right blog to get the word out. Have you read my twitter rants before? I always say that you have to… Continue Reading

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Win $315 Monat Hair Care Package: The Natural & Healthy Hair Revolution

Last week I introduced you to Hairfinity Hair Vitamins, which gives hair healthy nourishment from the inside out. So, why not let you in on another little secret to my healthy hair and what I use on the outside to achieve my voluptuous locks? Introducing MONAT Hair! The Monat hair care line is a naturally based and contains oils that help hair grow thicker, longer, stronger, healthy and youthful with long-lasting results. We all want that right? Especially, since the weather is turning cold and our hair, skin and nails are thirsty and not for Grey Goose. What can we do to… Continue Reading

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The Higher The Hair The Closer To Healthy: Hairfinity

The Higher The Hair the closer to Healthy: Hairfinity

  Summer is now officially gone (well, almost even though it was in the 80’s in Arizona yesterday). I love the sun…like a lot, a lot but not in I rolled around in a bag of Dorritos kind of way. Side note: please chill on the self-tanner ladies and if you must rub yourself orange – blend it, k? No one likes to see streaks on the back of your legs. It is inevitable that when the weather changes not only do I lose my tan but my skin and nails take a hit as well. Haven’t you noticed that… Continue Reading

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Yakety-Yack: Talkin’ Behind Your Back

Yakety-Yack: Talkin’ Behind Your Back

Life is so strange. As soon as you are up something may knock you down. I am not talking about physically (yet some hangovers can be worse than others). What I am talking about is when you hear a rumor about yourself that you never knew before a.k.a. someone is talking behind your back? Why do people do this? Jealousy? Envy? Nothing better to do? No life? Needs (more) friends. Needs a better job. Needs to get on more social media. I am not one to shy away from contacting people straight away when I hear my name in other… Continue Reading

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Happy Halloween-ie: Dress Like A Slut Day

Happy Halloweenie - #dresslikeaslutday

Happy Halloween-ie to all of you! Halloween or Hoe-loween has become such a weird and slightly disturbing holiday. I don’t know when it became the norm to feel the need to wear less than ample amount of clothing on October 31st, but most feel the urge to do so. I (think I helped) coin the term “Dress Like A Slut Day” last year during one of my most watched YouTube videos because I am always honest and lets call a spade a spade, right? Now, it is funny (or sad) that #dresslikeaslutday is a hashtag on twitter.   Now, it is… Continue Reading

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