


What Is A Good Word To Describe Someone Who Is A “DingDong”?

What is a good word to describe someone who is a "dingdong"?

I wonder how many times a day I shake my head at all the idiots I know? When I say that I work as a flytrap for all the stupid people in the world, I really do. So, what does one do when they can’t believe all the stupidy around them? One takes to Facebook to ask for a little help from their real friends. This is a real thread from my snarky friends on Facebook! Thanks to everyone who replied! I told you this was good for a post! When I say I work as a flytrap for all… Continue Reading

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Don’t Do These Things At A Social Media Conference

How big is your Klout? #smmw15pickuplines15

And…. commence packing ….again! I hate packing but have decided not to fully empty my suitcase any more because I am always on the road. Thanks to BMW for giving me this M suitcase so I can travel in style. And where am I off to next? Well, Social Media Marketing World in San Diego, CA. This is by far one of the best conferences and I highly suggest attending if you have the chance. Last year, I wrote a post called 16 Things Not To Do At (Any/Social Media) Conference and I just re-read that post and LOL’d. No… Continue Reading

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It Is International Women’s Day Every, Single Snarky Day!

It is Women's Day Every Single, Snarky Day!

Today is International Women’s Day and I come from an amazing family of exceptional women. I am very proud to be a strong woman and owe that to my grandmother, mother, and sister as my daily inspirations in life. The word “Hero” is the only choice to describe all three of them. They are and were my strength and what pushes me to be a better woman every day. Being a determined, hard working woman… Continue Reading

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Video Did Not Kill The Radio Star: 16 Times I Wish I Had Video Proof

recording my life because weird things are attracted to me like flies to shit

I am going to tell you something that might not surprise you. People don’t love to read. I would totally look at pretty pictures and funny videos if I could learn everything I needed to know by doing just that. Wouldn’t you? I am so ADD and OCD that sometimes I can’t even re-read my own blog posts. But, don’t tell anyone because that could be a bad look for someone who blogs full time. HA! Anyway, watching a video is so much fun. I wish I had my camera on me for so many experiences I have had along… Continue Reading

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I Am A Shorty Awards Finalist in Blogger: MelanysGuydlines

I AM A FINALIST FOR THE SHORTY AWARD IN BLOGGER!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL ALL 577 NOMINATIONS! The official announcement went out in the The Hollywood Reporter today!! Plus, I was the fan favorite, which is awesome and a special distinction for having the most nominations in the blogger category!!! I am a proud Vox Populi Shorty Award winner in blogger for 2015. The Vox Populi is a distinction given to finalists with exemplary campaigns and the most nominations. I am so excited and honored to be listed along side some of the most talented celebrities, actors, actresses,… Continue Reading

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The Best Part of the Grammy’s Were The Snarky Tweets

The best part of the Grammy's were the Snarky tweets!

The best part of the Grammys were the snarky tweets…and, not just from me! There are so many funny people on twitter and that is why it’s my favorite. Every day I am supplied with hearty laughs from the snarky people on twitter. I can’t get enough. It is like I am addicted. But, when an award show airs – you can guarantee I am tweeting like a mad woman. There is too much to comment about and it is a lot less annoying than being that person who always talks through awards shows. I was guilty of being that… Continue Reading

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Dear Hackers: Hack Off


  Dear Hackers (a.k.a. cheaters with no life), I am not sure what is going on but this is the second time someone has tried to hack into my blog in the past two years. I have security and we are on to you. So, go somewhere else or think of another profession that involves your own creativity because this is dumb. Plus, I have security on this site and it alerts me every time your dumb ass tries to infect me. How about you go think of your own idea, name, blog, site, url, and get a life? How… Continue Reading

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The Top 10 Most Annoying Top 10 Lists

The top ten most annoying top ten lists

I want to create a top 10 list of the most annoying top 10 lists. Yes, you read that right. Can you help me with this? I would love to know what types of top lists fill your feed or your time line. Whatever. Don’t be shy and I wont judge….well, I will but snarky commentary never hurt anyone. I already asked this question on twitter and Facebook and got some good answers but need more to compile a list. Note: I will never title it the “complete” list of the top 10 most annoying lists because that is annoying… Continue Reading

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Dear Blog ….I Am So Sorry

Melanysguydlines with Chuck Liddell at UFC 182

DEAR BLOG – I am so sorry, but I have been cheating on you with my shoes, makeup, purses, and clothes. I moved and my life has been upside down and inside out. Please don’t break up with me. I love you. Truly. I mean this is the longest time in two years I have not checked in to at least say hello and send KISSEZZ. I have good reasons – I swear! There are too many and I am too tired on a Friday night to elaborate. But, I am sure I will come up with a list in… Continue Reading

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Happy New Year from Melanysguydlines – Cheers To A Snarky 2015

happy new year from melanysguydlines

Wishing ALL of you a happy, healthy and super safe New Year filled with friends, family and lots of laughter! Thank you to every single person that has supported Melanysguydlines this year! It has been a snarky ride and I am looking forward to 2015 with all of you! STAY SNARKY MY FRIENDS – KISSEZZ from Las Vegas! *********Remember to follow me the next few days as I am tweeting from Las Vegas MGM Grand Las Vegas courtesy of Cox Communications and UFC #UFC182 – Twitter handle is… Continue Reading

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The Dumbest, Smart Place in the World: The Curse Of Levi’s Stadium

The Dumbest, Smart Place in the World: The Curse Of Levi’s Stadium

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed family, friends, turkey and football! I did but had an experience that I need to share with you because it was too funny not to write about. Here are my tips for the next time you attend a football game on Thanksgiving Day anywhere in the US but especially at Levi’s Stadium in aka the home of the San Francisco 49ers. TIP 1 – When going to the new Levi’s Stadium to watch the SF 49ers play (get beat up) on Thanksgiving day, make sure you take a bus and… Continue Reading

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