


Bad Ass Blog Award – Sex, Dating & Relationship WINNER 2014: MelanysGuydlines

Bad Ass Blog Award Sex, Dating & Relationship WINNER 2014: MelanysGuydlines

Happy Birthday to me 10 days early! MelanysGuydlines was nominated and won The 2014 Badass Blog Award in the Sex, Dating and Relationships category! Thank you to all that read, support and voted for me. I really appreciate it and happy that my hard work is being recognized on such an awesome platform. It is even sweeter to know that I was voted on by peers and fans alike with thousands of nominations flooding the Indie Chicks website. Here is my badge! I am going to sport this loud and proud. Wouldn’t you?     It was a good race… Continue Reading

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Memorial Day 2014

Memorial Day 2014. Remember that today is about more than BBQ’s and pool parties. Today is a day to remember and thank all of those who have served and continue to serve the United States of America. I am grateful everyday to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. So, if you know someone that served or is currently serving to provide you with all of the freedom we sometimes take for granted – remember, a thank you goes a long way! Enjoy the rest of this holiday and be safe out there while… Continue Reading

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Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day! It is Mother’s Day weekend and I hit the jackpot in the Mom drawing! I am lucky to call my mother more than mom….she is my best friend. So, to my mom and the moms who read this blog, I want to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day filled with family, laughter, and love. I would never be able to do this crazy social media thing without my mom. She is my #1 fan, editor, and most loyal supporter. Plus, she takes one for the team and responds to my online dating profile nightmare emails. She… Continue Reading

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Getting A Second Date: The Real Truth Part 2

And without further ado…..PART 2 to Getting A Second Date: The Real Truth. If you did not read PART 1 – you should! 4. Manners/Doesn’t Know Shit/Full of Shit -She thinks that if she is indecisive and acts like she doesn’t know what to order while at dinner that it makes her date feel more like a man and being courteous to his wallet. Unfortunately, the only thing this does is annoy him and makes him want to jump out the nearest window (which is nearby their “best” table he has so cleverly arranged with the host while being early)…. Continue Reading

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Getting a Second Date: The Real Truth

  So, you want to know how to get a second date? Before you can “want” a second date you need to successfully survive and impress on the first one, right? I am willing to bet that no one willingly goes out on first dates just to go on one date. First dates are awkward no matter how drunk you get (and that could lead to a more awkward second date but that is a different post). They are by far one of the most uncomfortable situations so it is fair to assume most of us go on a first… Continue Reading

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Online Dating Nightmare #1,199

Hope you all had more fun than I did yesterday. As some of you know, a virus has totally infected AOL in their server. Before, you make some smart-ass comment let me say that I have had AOL since I was 15. It was “MelB” but I hated the spice girls so that was not the premise behind the username. Anyway, I HIGHLY suggest you change passwords and keep up to date with old emails or accounts on websites. For the average person, this is annoying. For me it is a nightmare! Obviously, working in social media means I have… Continue Reading

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Dating Oscar Goes to Mr. Piggy

It is pre-Oscar week and in Hollywood that means there is a lot going on. A lot meaning way more than what is going on in my love life, which is nothing unless you count that atrocious date, I went on last week. I have totally exhausted all of my patience with the men via online dating sites and have left the pleasure of interacting with these gems to my mother who doesn’t mind talking to unsuspecting guys in hopes of finding a diamond in the rough. Well, she has not done badly until last week. But, in all honesty… Continue Reading

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When Animals Attack: Dating Interference

  The Shorty Awards nominations are over and I hope I did not miss the honor by one spot. I will be ok with it (I will not, but my vodka is chilling and ready for consumption at 4:59PM to soothe my soul -just in case). Stay tuned as they are calculating right NOW! If I did not win, I am convinced outside forces in which I had no control over affected the outcome. Animals. You know? When animals attack? In the past week, I had interference from all of the following “animals”, which prevented proper promoting,  blogging, (and successful… Continue Reading

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Dating & Sex with Patti Stanger & Perez Hilton for

As most of you know, I drove to Arizona a few weeks ago for relaxation and to step away from my keyboard. And….I failed miserably at relaxing plus got a speeding ticket along the way. So, not the most fun trip but, I did take part in a discussion with the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger and Perez Hilton discussing love, dating and sex findings from 2014 study. The event looked Ah–mazing in New York and I am bummed that I could not actually be at there in RL. However, I was selected to represent the West Coast blogging community… Continue Reading

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Snark Queen/Melanysguydlines on the Modern Dater K-HOW

There is so much going on with Melanysguydlines and it is great! I have been appointed as the Snark Queen from Beverly Hills for my relationship and dating advice! If you have not heard (then you have been under a rock)  – I was on the radio this past weekend! Radio is near and dear to my heart as most of you know that I used to promote all of your favorite rock bands on radio. But, this time I was not asked to promote Van Halen or Velvet Revolver but ME and Melanysguydlines. The Modern Dater show is in… Continue Reading

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Bye Cold But, I’m Keeping the Funny, Sexy Voice!

Prince charming is living with mr right

I am back from Vegas and have a cold. It is not fantastic because I am still hungry but can’t taste anything so forget about losing weight while sitting here with my thumb up my ass.  It is not awesomely dehydrating like the stomach flu where you magically lose 5 pounds. It is more like I am bloated like a puffer fish from the sodium in soup I have been ordering from the local LA Delicatessens. At least I have been able to catch up on taxes, which may actually be the worst thing in life besides moving or a… Continue Reading

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Bitch on Plane & Graziano Mob Wives Meat Cleavers?

get off cell phone

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hello, hello! I am back in LALAland and just in time to rock out to some 80’s rock n’ roll tonight! Stephen Pearcy from Ratt and roll is playing at the Whisky and how could I miss it? Well I am not! I lucked out and jumped on an earlier plane yesterday so that I could get home and apply all the new social media and blogging knowledge to this blog! Of course, I had a lady on my plane who thought that she was the only person on the aircraft. She was no Alec… Continue Reading

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