


May 2021 Be A Better Year For Us All

May 2021 Be A Better Year For Us All

To good friends. Wherever they may be. This is the face I still make when I go to sleep at night knowing who I am, what I stand for, having pride in my name and being a kind human being. The face I make going to sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow will be a new dawn, a new day and the beginning of a new year. The face I make wishing every day that I will remain a positive, good human being continuing to break free of negative users that are endlessly attracted to me without losing my faith in… Continue Reading

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Never Forget Is More Than A Hashtag: 9/11/2020

Parents ask your children if they know what happened on September 11, 2001. Teachers ask your students if they know what #neverforget truly means and if they know it is more than a hashtag for social media. Children ask your parents if they remember what really happened that day. Do they know who our true enemies were and still are? Who the heroes were that day and are today? How we came together as the greatest country in the world regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or political views to fight our true enemies. United as one. Do they know?  … Continue Reading

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Thoughts From The Other Side

I don’t do splitting hairs. I do read entire posts. I don’t jump on bandwagons. I have a brain of my own. I am not a sheep. I am so, so over social media. I do not attack others if they have differing views than my own. I am proud to be American. I stand proudly for my flag. I respectfully disagree with you but we can still be friends because I am not four years old and can have a passionate conversation with others that have differing views than my own. I am an independent thinker in every single… Continue Reading

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Passover Isn’t Cancelled: Why Is It Different From All Others?

Passover Isn’t Cancelled: Why Is It Different From All Others?

We ask, “Why is tonight different from all other nights?” Mah nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?   Passover is about uniting as one and overcoming a treacherous journey through unfamiliar land, while persevering with strength and faith. It celebrates The Exodus of the Jewish people escaping freedom from slavery and the 10 plagues which struck down their oppressors. The Jews were protected from these plagues and their homes were “Passed Over” by having faith and following the commandments of Moses. This Passover is not cancelled. It is a time for us to reflect. Why is this Passover different from all… Continue Reading

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The Blame Game: Who Wins?

The Blame Game: Who Wins?

Last week, during my self-imposed quarantine, it became clear to me that I need to write about the pandemic we are facing in the world because it is unlike anything we have ever seen. Some people have decided to rewrite history to make themselves feel better by destroying bits and pieces of what actually happened in the past, but this is going to be an honest and true documentation of what is happening for me, if not for anyone else.  We may not be proud of things that have happened in the past, but they happened, and we need to… Continue Reading

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Dear Spoiled Americans,

Dear Spoiled Americans, This is for you! The Coronavirus is affecting every, single one of us. You are not the only one. Ok? So, let’s get that straight. Someone has it worse than you and you need to remember that. It is really easy to be a keyboard warrior while there are real people doing their JOBS going above and beyond to protect you, the ungrateful. They are risking their own lives daily so you can sit from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas, eating cookies, with your family and complain that you are able to work… Continue Reading

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Right Foot First Into 2020

You can’t reach your goals for the future if you have one foot still chained to the past!!!!

You can’t reach your goals for the future if you have one foot still chained to the past!!!! No looking back. Follow me in moving forward with the RIGHT foot first into 2020! Wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year. To quote one of my followers on Instagram: @gregaltmeyer ” There is a reason why the windshield is large and the rear view mirror is small! Here’s to your best year yet!“ Lots of love always, Melany and Teddy Brewski a.k.a. Mr. December. You can’t reach your goals for the future if you have one foot still… Continue Reading

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Rosh Hashanah: Spiritual Healing Begins From Within

To all my family and friends who observe, wishing you a very happy and sweet Rosh Hashanah. During the commencement of the Jewish New Year let this first night begin a spiritual journey of introspection and repentance. Let us sit quietly for a moment away from our electronics and focus on ourselves. Spiritual healing and forgiveness must begin from within. From there we may then ask ….. To those I may have wronged…..I ask for forgiveness. To those I may have helped….I wish I had done more. To those I may have neglected to help….I ask for understanding. To those… Continue Reading

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Put That Phone Down!!!

Nothing like deleting 7,500 of 44,572 photos for 2 hours from my phone to realize: 1. How many selfies it takes to get a sharable melfie. What a waste of time. 2. How many dumb asses I have dated. All of them…. but it’s a learning experience, right? 3. How many “emotional vampires” I have known, dumped and how many I still need to get rid of (Thanks Steph for the perfect term). Cleaning house feels so good. 4. How bad shopping is online and that nothing ever looks the same once you order and try it on at home…. Continue Reading

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New Years Resolutions Are Lame: Snarky Guydlines Are Forever 2019

As I sit here on the eve of 2019, I take time to review my past New Years Eve posts full “guydlines-isms” and it is not surprising that I agree with 100% of what I have had to say in the past. I told you many times I am smarter than I look. Right? This year is no different.  It is time for us to ring in another year and I am very excited and optimistic for 2019 because it has to be better than 2018 and hope that I don’t repeat mistakes of the past. Like I always say,… Continue Reading

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Interview: Conversations With Melany Berger Via VoyagePhoenix

Interview: Conversations With Melany Berger Via VoyagePhoenix

Thank you to VoyagePhoenix Magazine for interviewing me for their feature as a top Trailblazer/Influencer in Scottsdale. Honest and real answers about what make me who I am, where I came from, inspirations, what I have overcome and an all around really informative interview for friends, family and followers. Some of you might know and most of you don’t! You have never walked a day in my shoes and I have not walked a day in yours but this gives a glimpse of moi. Enjoy! Can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you… Continue Reading

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Happy Mother’s Day To The Best Mom: MINE

Happy and healthy Mother’s Day to the BEST mom in the world – mine! I do not know what I would do without her. She is my everything and I feel so lucky to have her as my mom. Like I have said in the past, I do not need wait for Mother’s Day to celebrate my mother since I try my best to celebrate her every single day because she is so special. Love you more than words and want to wish you a very happy and healthy Mother’s Day!!! Thank you does not say it enough for being… Continue Reading

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