

Harvey’s Hungry: Lending A Helping Hand And Feeding Over 10,000 People

Harvey’s Hungry: Lending A Hand And Feeding Over 10,000 People

This post is a follow up to my first blog about Hurricane Harvey and the relief efforts to feed the hungry on the front lines in Houston. Jeff and Sheryl Weinstock of Cake & Bacon have been silent heroes in their quest to feed as many people as possible. I asked Jeff to give me a breakdown of what has happened since the hurricane hit and think it best he tell you what his team accomplished the past weekend serving over 10 thousand people. This is an incredible story and so happy to have been able to take a little… Continue Reading

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Heroes In Houston: Cake & Bacon Feeding The Front Lines

Heroes In Houston: Cake & Bacon Feeding The Front Lines

I have written a few posts in the past on the difference between social media influencers and celebrities in which there are many. But, today I want to address something different. This post addresses perhaps the most important aspect of being a social media influencer and that is using social media influence for the most important need of all: the good of humanity. I could discuss the super saturated social media world with everyone claiming to be a blogger or influencer now but instead I want to embrace the fact that we are all influencers in one way or another…. Continue Reading

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Use Our Influence For Good: Calling Social Media Influencers, Bloggers, Brands and Friends

Influence For Good: Calling Brands, Influencers, Bloggers and Friends

I have been trying to keep my blog and timelines clear the past week for people in the Houston area and all of those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Today, I am calling on all my fellow influencers, bloggers, social media people, brands and friends to help people in need right now. Use our influence for good. I have reached out to a few friends in Houston doing amazing work and am trying to put something together but want to make sure what I donate is what they need and actually reaches the people that need it the most! If anyone… Continue Reading

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Holy zzysh®: Don’t Waste a Sip Of Wine Or Champagne Again

Holy Zzysh: Don't Waste a Sip Of Wine Or Champagne Again

This post discusses a very important topic: indulging in alcoholic beverages of the champagne and wine nature over and over again with out wasting a sip. We all deserve a glass of wine or champagne once in a while, right? For some of us, that is more often than others. For me, I am a Prosecco drinker! I love it. It is light and refreshing which is mandatory while living in the Arizona desert. It is sweet but not too sweet. I don’t like anything or anyone too sweet. I don’t trust them and neither should you. But, back to… Continue Reading

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I Swiped Right On Your Face Because

I totally swiped right on your face because you have/are: 1. A clear mugshot as your main profile photo. 2. Posing with the infamous hand on your hip pose to hide whatever you think you are hiding but are not and everyone knows it. 3. A selfie of you in the gym sans sleeves and wired headphones in your ears with a perfectly pressed shirt. 4. Failed to fill out the one and only question listed on the app. 5. A picture with a bunch of ladies surrounding you. 6. A picture with a bunch of guys so I have… Continue Reading

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Win A 9 Foot FUNBOY Yacht Pool Float With Cooler For 2

Win A 9 Foot FUNBOY Yacht Pool Float With Cooler For 2

Happy dog days of summer! I wish I was on a boat on a tropical island with a NICE young man feeding me frozen grapes and filling a never ending glass full of fruity, frothy, alcoholic beverages with a little umbrella in them, but I am not. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t turn the hot summer days into my own little fun in my backyard with my menagerie, Teddy Brewski and friends right? As you all know I love my pool floats and have become quite the float aficionado and collector. They are great party toys, perfect accessories for… Continue Reading

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Dating & Texting No No’s: Call Me If You Aren’t Amphibian or Reptilian

Dating & Texting No No's: Call Me If You Aren't Amphibian or Reptilian

Gentlemen. If you really want to get to know a girl better and perhaps go on a date, incessant texting lengthy interview-like questions is not going to cut it. Don’t have time for that. I type all day. I have around 100k of those types of relationships. Pick up a damn phone. I need to make sure you don’t sound like Kermit. Though, I hear that you need to kiss a lot of frogs. CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or reptilian. We know I have had plenty of both in my life.  CALL ME if you aren’t amphibian or… Continue Reading

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Holy Bullsnake

Holy Bullsnake

So, this really happened to me last week! I had a 7 foot snake at my front door in Paradise Valley, Arizona. Thankfully, I was able to rule out that he was not a Rattlesnake but the neighborhood Bullsnake. He is apparently my friend and eats mice, rabbits and even rattlesnakes so we will keep him around. Also, he will keep all the other snakes I date out of the area. I named him Petey after my college boyfriend’s snake, cat and dog. Yes, they were all named Petey! Read all these comments from my facebook post and laugh because… Continue Reading

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Look and Feel Ten Years Younger With These Beauty Hacks

Look and Feel Ten Years Younger With These Beauty Hacks

I have been dealing with no AC in 118 degree weather and a 7 foot snake at my front door so thankfully Laura has this post for you all to read! I will share more about my Arizona summer soon but enjoy these beauty hacks while I try and cool off!  In a bit of a rut with your look? Perhaps your current beauty routine is a little outdated, and instead of making you look younger you’re actually adding years to your age. Maybe you’ve had a busy few years bringing up children, and now it’s time to focus on… Continue Reading

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Meeting The Birthday Deadline

I’m back! I have been celebrating my birthday for almost a month but did not forget about you! PROMISE! Thankfully, Laura has a great post today (and is appropriately themed) while I try and catch up! ENJOY! No matter how much you love the man in your life, or how well you know him, whenever their birthdays come around it feels like he’s suddenly become the most impossible person in the world to shop for. Maybe it’s because you don’t completely understand his hobbies, or you feel like you have to top the present you gave him last year, but… Continue Reading

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Family Matters: The Benefits Of Bringing Animals Into Your Home

Thanks to Laura for another great post.  Lots of people choose to keep pets at home with their families. However, there are many others who never even consider the idea. It’s the second group of people I’m trying to reach today. Like it or not, there are many different benefits of bringing animals into your home. That is especially the case if you have children with your partner. With all that in mind, I advise you to read the information on this page carefully. You never know! Your family might miss out if you never bring a pooch or kitten… Continue Reading

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What Women Really Want In Life And Love

Thanks to Laura for this great post! Take it away…. At a time where blogs and online publication are full of articles designed to advise women on how to behave in their relationships, it seems important to remind yourself of what you want. You live in a complex world that is in constant evolution. Consequently, it’s likely that the advice you find about living a happy life may already be outdated, or they may not be suited to who you are. As a woman, you are not the fragile and passive princess of the fairy tales who waits for her… Continue Reading

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