

My Single Holiday Jingle

My Single Holiday Jingle

  Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. Please bring me a nice, young man to kiss this year. Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. See….. I’m in my cool NFL FanStyle, Cardinals gear! Oh kissmass tree Oh kissmass tree….. Please bring me a nice, young man to kiss this year. Does anyone know the person in charge of the the tree wishes and jingle requests? Does anyone know the person… Continue Reading

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Look Both Ways Before Taking Selfies In Bathrooms

Look Both Ways Before Taking Selfies In Bathrooms:

Last week I attended a holiday party and a girl stopped me as I was washing my hands after using the facilities. She asked if I could take a photo of her in the bathroom. We were at the W Hotel in Scottsdale with a plethora of places to capture her impromptu photo shoot in her dress or shirt (wasn’t quite sure which one) but sure the bathroom works. Why not? So, I took more than a few pictures of her like a seasoned blogger does, holding the phone above my eyes with the mandatory downward angle ensuring maximum flattering… Continue Reading

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Almost Insta-Famous: Behind The Scenes With My Dog Teddy Brewski

Almost Insta-Famous: Behind The Scenes With My Dog Teddy Brewski

Happy after Thanksgiving week! WOW! It has been insane over here! What about for you? I wanted to post this video last week but life happened. You might have seen it on social media but if not, here it is. I luckily have the rights to the cutest video on the Internet right now (IMO). Are you ready for a daily dose of cuteness with my main man Teddy Brewski? Here you go! I am totally calling this video “Almost Insta-Famous: Behind The Scenes With My Dog Teddy Brewski” and we want you to enjoy it as much as we… Continue Reading

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Serving Gratitude And Attitude With A Side Of Snark For Thanksgiving

Serving gratitude and attitude and a side of snark for Thanksgiving 2017! I don’t know how it is already the holidays but it is and there is very little time for me to sit down and write snarky posts. I miss being able to sit down and just letting the snark flow through my fingers tips. But, I keep telling myself I see a clearing at the end of this tunnel of non-stop obligations, appointments and never ending to-do lists! I hope. So, today I thought I would throw it back to one of my first Thankful lists that is… Continue Reading

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Instagram Giveaways Galore: iPhones, Cameras, Makeup and More

Instagram Giveaways Galore: iPhone, Camera, Makeup and More

If you have not checked out my Instagram, you should! One –I am snarky. Two – I post fun pictures of my dog. (He has his own IG too if you want to just follow Teddy Brewski. I won’t be jealous. Well, maybe a little). Three – I am doing giveaways every few days through the beginning of December and you will want these items. Trust me! Can you say iPhones, cameras and makeup galore? Currently, I have this one live: WORLDWIDE GIFTS FOR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS! I’ve teamed up with some of our favorite Bloggers and Youtubers to… Continue Reading

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Happy Halloweenie From “Snark” The Shark

Hope your Halloween has been fantastic so far today! I am trying to catch up after being on vacation for almost 2 weeks! WHAT? Yes. No Laptop. No Wifi. No Connection. So, you could say that I am a little bit far behind. But, I did want to wish you all a very happy halloweenie and share my costume with you called “Snark” The Shark.   I will post more soon but in the meantime you can see some pics from my vacay on social media! Check out my Instagram from some cool shots! XOXO “Snark” The Shark aka Melanysguydlines… Continue Reading

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My Talking Dog: Teddy Brewski

I was asked to pass on a little note from Teddy Brewski a.k.a. the cutest Havanese. He said,  “My name is Teddy Brewski and this is my favorite video ever so I wanted to share it with all my new followers! Thank each and every one of you for following me!” If you aren’t following him, you should  because he knows how to talk thanks to My Talking Pet. Follow me on Instagram here ENJOY! My name is Teddy Brewski and this is my favorite video ever so I wanted to share it with all my new followers! Thank each… Continue Reading

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#BayAreaUnite: Sports Teams Raise Money For NorCal Fire Relief and Resources

I am a Bay Area girl through and through and feeling helpless living in Arizona watching the devastation of these wildfires in Northern California. Friends and family have lost homes and/or have been displaced. The camp where I spent my childhood has burned to the ground. They need our help now! I am so proud of my Bay Area sports teams rallying to provide assistance. ***BAY AREA TEAMS UNITE TO DONATE $450,000 TO SUPPORT NORTH BAY AND CALIFORNIA FIRE RELIEF EFFORTS*** All of my favorite Bay Area sports teams are raising money to support those affected by the devastating fires…. Continue Reading

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It Must Be Love: 4 Relationship Material Qualities In Men

  Dating is hard but here are a few guydlines for you from Laura! Take it away…. Dating in the 21st century is a minefield. From Bumble to Tinder, it’s hard to meet new people without vetting their online dating profile first. In fact, it’s difficult to meet new people in general because no one talks face to face anymore! So, finding out about a potential love interest’s personal qualities isn’t easy. Is he joking? Is he lying? Is he real?! Hopefully, he is legitimate in every sense of the word. But, to figure him out for real, you should… Continue Reading

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Yesterday, I was glued to the TV and Social Media waiting to hear from all of my friends in Vegas. It is my second home and devastated to see what happened to so many innocent young concert goers. Music is my life and could have easily been at that show. I have a place across the street at the MGM. My heart aches for all of the people and families involved. I have several friends with terrible stories of people who did not survive and it is heartbreaking. Love Las Vegas and pray for everyone involved. This picture was taken… Continue Reading

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The Amazon Fire TV Shows Off Your Photos: Just Ask Alexa and Giveaway

The Amazon Fire TV Shows Off Your Photos: Just Ask Alexa and Giveaway

You can now view photos using the Prime Photos app and Alexa Voice Remote on your Amazon Fire TV. I ask Alexa to do a lot of things for me but this rocks. I always ask her nicely to complete my requests and she is a very helpful friend. Do you know what this means? No more huddling around a little phone screen to show friends and family your latest and greatest pictures because with Amazon Fire TV and the help of Alexa you can show these great shots on the biggest screen in your home. Sit back and relax… Continue Reading

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