

God Bless America

Never forget 9/11

Remembering those we have lost and thanking those who still serve our country. Proud to be an American each and every day. Thoughts are with all the families on this day of remembrance. God Bless America. NEVER FORGET!  9/11/01 **Stay snarky my friends!**

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MG Welcomes An0maly (with a zero) – Social Media Ninja

Hey MG fans! It has been a rough day for me but I am so excited to officially introduce you to the new member of our family. I was looking for a rockstar, social media, ninja and I found him – well, he is actually a rapper, social media, ninja. Seriously! MG fans meet AJ aka “An0maly” with a zero. Don’t get into a word match with him because he will win. I am so impressed with him already – check him out. Here he is in his words….. AJ Faleski is a seasoned wizard/black belt ninja (That’s actually completely… Continue Reading

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Funny Relationship Stories: Sporty Sports Chick

Funny relationship stories come in many creative forms and I am a bit of a whiz at relating most parts of my life back to funny relationship stories. Recently, I was asked by a fellow blogger to write a guest post about being a “sporty chick” and how it relates to my life today. Well, I give funny relationship advice and write about funny relationship stories, but here is a post all about funny life experiences. Of course, I have to relate all of my “sportiness” back to funny relationship stories and what would my post be if it weren’t… Continue Reading

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Funny Relationship Advice: Tips from the MTV VMA Circus 2013

Wil smith looking at miley cyrus ass on mtv vmas

There are a few things I know and that is funny relationship advice and music! I have also been known to give funny relationship tips now and again, right? So, let me blend my favorite things into one post, shall we? Did any of you survive the madness of MTVs 2013 VMA’s last night? If you did not watch the show, then you missed a circus. That is the nicest way I can describe the monstrosity that used to be one of my favorite television nights of the year. The show started and I don’t think I really ever recovered… Continue Reading

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No Las Vegas Vacation for you: HUGE Thank you to my supporters

No vacation for you! I feel like I am in a Seinfeld episode sometimes (most of the time). In between Forbes nominations for top 100 best female websites, preparing and festively fumigating my home, and reaching out to my closest friends and best fans for support; it is not surprising that I did not relax in Las Vegas last week. It was all worth it of course. But, I do want to take the time and say thank you to each and everyone that nominated me. I am honored – truly. I read each of your comments and only wished… Continue Reading

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Nominate MG for Forbes best 100 websites for women……

Melanysguydlines fans! You guys rock and have been so much fun to entertain this past year. Forbes is taking nominations for the best 100 websites for women. I am a woman, this is my website and I think it rocks and so do you. The only thing left for us to do is… 1. Go to FORBES 2. Sign up ( a little tough but I know my fans are the best and smartest ever). If you are having problems reach out to me on Facebook or Twitter and I will help you. 3. NOMINATE and say why!! (Be… Continue Reading

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Las Vegas: Don’t get caught with your pants down or the wrong pair

packing tips for guys - no tight pants

This one gave me a laugh while writing because you know it is true. If you don’t, then you need to do a little more gambling, a lot more partying and experience Las Vegas with me (a snarky professional) at least one time. Are you up for that challenge? Sure. I hate packing and unpacking as much as anyone else. But, I need to do it soon as my plane is going to leave with or without my suitcase and all of my unnecessary belongings that somehow creep into my suitcase leaving me with an overweight baggage charge. How does… Continue Reading

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Las Vegas -Insider Track to a Half a Piece of Pie

las vegas hangover shirt

Last week was a crazy week for Facebook and Twitter were on fire! I am so excited to announce that we hit 8100 followers @Melanyb12 and Facebook #8300 likes and counting! If you don’t go there – you should! Also, it was very cool to hear people talking and spreading the word (even if some of my friends are still slow on the go – they will learn or maybe not? I am still looking for a place to return friends. Do you know where I can do that?) On top of all of that, I was asked to… Continue Reading

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How to Party Like a Surfer: Don’t Yell & Leave Your Shoes At Home

Last weekend, I got a sudden urge and decided to pack (way too much and the problem with that, is unpacking sucks) put Teddy Brewski with his friends at day/night camp (I swear he has more friends than I do) and drive down to Huntington Beach for the US Open of Surfing. No one told me that I should not leave LA proper after 2:00PM because it would take me two and a half hours to get to the beach in traffic. But, so what? I am a great DJ and I knew there were clean beaches, sun, and surfers… Continue Reading

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Zynga Sparks Relationships by Gaming

zynga sparks relationships by gaming marriage proposal

When I was younger, I used to play games all the time and always had boyfriends or involved in a dating relationship. I had funny relationship advice and relationships stories of some kind because I was always in a relationship! Now, I seem to have bad dating stories or online dating horror stories. Being young and finding potential dates was much easier than it is today. If I wasn’t competing in sports outside hitting or kicking balls, you could find me inside dribbling or volleying other types of balls. All the best looking guys played sports too. I do have… Continue Reading

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Rolling Stone: Selling or Selling Out?

rolling stone magazine selling out

Rolling Stone magazine depicting the Boston marathon terrorist as a Rock star by giving him the cover is so un-American and definitely un-rock n’ roll. That cover is a coveted spot where kids and adults of all ages with a guitar, bass, mic or drumsticks, dream to obtain that honor. It is like making Majors in Baseball. Come on – rock is in the shitter and now rock journalism too? I am all for freedom of speech (obviously) but Rolling Stone has sold out to sell out magazines. It is one thing to make money but another to capitalize off… Continue Reading

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Snarky Relationship Tips & Advice: Teddy B Style

snarky relationship tips and advice image

My snarky relationship tips come from my experience with Teddy Brewski. He is better than any boyfriend I have had, any day, because I am his one and only. Here is some snarky relationship advice from a woman who has been through enough guys to provide it to you with certain flair. He does what I tell him. (Well, most of the time). If not, I can throw the leash on him and he is always by my side. If I did that to a boyfriend I would probably get arrested (or be into some really, weird S&M craziness which… Continue Reading

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