

Get Some Satisfaction: Win $100 Official USA Network’s “Satisfaction” Kit

win USA network kit worth $100

I want that!

What gives you satisfaction? Do you measure your satisfaction by job success? Wealth? Love? Happiness? I think most of us would agree with Mick Jager when he sings “I can’t get no satisfaction” in life. Achieving satisfaction is harder than ever these days with the advent of technology. I am not talking getting to the next level of Candy Crush but I am talking about communication. Text messages, emails and non-verbal communication lead to many issues interpersonal relationships never experienced before (like mine). Like life was not complicated enough – now, we need to read between the lines and guess what other people are thinking by what we see on a screen (big or small…iPhone 6 anyone?) I am not great at guessing. Are you?

In addition, to the lack of personal communication it is our reliance on technology that has given us a false sense of what other people have and don’t have. For example, people pick and choose their very best photos and experiences in life to post on social media creating a person’s world that is more fantasy than reality. It is like a movie reel of our greatest hits. Keeping up with the Jones’s (Kardashian’s) has become even more intense.

Online dating profiles act the same way. How many times have you communicated with someone online who does not look like his or her picture or looks totally different in person? ME.

I love social media, email and texting as much as the next but I have discussed this topic too many times that the advent of the Internet has ruined interpersonal communication. And here I go again…..

USA Network’s new series, Satisfaction explores modern marriage at its midpoint through the lens of one couple. The program has spurred many questions about the experiences of other couples and what it takes to make a long-term relationship successful.”

USA Network Satisfaction

How can we keep communication alive and spice up the romance?

Here are a few guydlines –

-Do not rely on email to communicate while in a relationship. I understand it is probably faster to send an email informing your wife that you are running late for dinner, but pick up a G-d damn phone.

-And….don’t forget to tell her you love her when she can hear your voice when she can her your voice.

-Do not watch any type of screen while eating dinner. This means not texting, no TV shows, and no iPads. Put down the screen and talk to each other. You will like it.

-Do not live your whole relationship online. Some moments are meant to be cherished and special just between you and your loved one.

-It is the little things in life that go a long way, like a compliment. No matter how small the compliment is, it will have a huge impact. Like tell me you love my shoes.

-Once a cheater –always a cheater. I stand firm on this no matter how many TV shows or movies show society that cheating is an every day occurrence. Just because you see it on TV does not mean its Ok-this includes TMZ.

-The internet has given us a place to hide and it is way too easy to start over. That is not the way life works. You can’t just erase it because you press delete even though I wish I could delete some of my ex boyfriends.

-Respect and trust one another. Without this, you have nothing. Show it. Have pride in yourself.

-Stop trying to compete with others from what you see online.

-No electronics in the bedroom. That is a sacred place and should be treated as such.

What other guydines do you have?

Have you seen this teaser yet? This is from the show “Satisfaction” and it premiere’s tonight on USA Network. I will be watching, will you?

Maybe I can get some pointers for my next relationship or blog post, whichever comes first.

So, to keep the spice alive and show some appreciation for one another, USA Networks is giving you the opportunity to win a Satisfaction kit worth $100. Use it and appreciate your loved ones. Spice up at that life and put down the electronics.

Satisfaction Kit Includes: $50 gift card to Victoria’s Secret, love-themed notes & question cards, massage gel and a official tote from the USA Network’s show, Satisfaction (Worth a total of $100).

Now, you can get some satisfaction and prove Mick wrong. GO!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Stay snarky my friends!**

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257 Responses to Get Some Satisfaction: Win $100 Official USA Network’s “Satisfaction” Kit

  1. KaylaSue Simundson September 17, 2014 at 7:36 pm #

    communication is key to a healthy relationship, you have to be able to be open and honest with each other!

  2. Taj Kingston (Tonya) September 17, 2014 at 8:38 pm #

    For a healthy relationship, forgiveness and honesty are essential! When you forgive, don’t bring it up ever again-and when you are honest, be honest in love, not in anger.

  3. Kyaw Sein September 17, 2014 at 9:05 pm #

    Honesty, understanding, and respect to each other.

  4. BeckyM September 17, 2014 at 10:02 pm #

    Be honest… listen.

  5. Jennifer Herman September 17, 2014 at 10:57 pm #

    Listen to each other and sometimes let the other one have their way!

  6. John Herman September 17, 2014 at 11:17 pm #

    Be honest and listen. Try to do the little things that she likes.

  7. Penni September 18, 2014 at 2:02 am #

    Don’t hang on to past fights, disagreements, trials and tribulations in your relationship. Offer and accept apologies; forgive easily. Then move on.

  8. Robin Wilson September 18, 2014 at 4:24 am #

    I think that the old one of communication is so important, but the most important thing is to actually hear what the other person is saying, not just act like you’re listening.

  9. carl September 18, 2014 at 6:31 am #


  10. Angela P. September 18, 2014 at 8:36 am #

    Maintain your independence. Be the same person that your partner fell in love with. Be yourself.. keep your friends, hobbies and interests. Too many people lose a part of their identity in a relationship.

  11. Andrea Montgomery September 18, 2014 at 8:48 am #

    I love this show

  12. robyn donnelly September 18, 2014 at 9:45 am #

    Advice about any relationship is when it doesn’t include you, don’t stick your nose in it especially between friends or family relationships. Keep advice to minimal. It can always come back and bite you in the arse otherwise.

  13. Darlene Ysaguirre September 18, 2014 at 10:16 am #

    Ive been married 5 years now and i think compromise is huge also knowing when to shut up lol

  14. Mary W. September 18, 2014 at 10:36 am #

    Always listen to what your spouse has to say.

  15. Brianna Townsend September 18, 2014 at 3:03 pm #

    My tip for a happy and healthy relationship is honesty, always be honest with how you are feeling with your partner. Honesty can help keep your relationship on solid ground, If you can’t be honest with the person you are seeing then you are already in a relationship doomed for a crash and burn. Just my Honest opinion

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