

Don’t Discount this Snarky, Blonde, Blogger!

I dont get no respect as a blogger

Last week, I attended social media week in Los Angeles and was not able to write a proper blog post for today.  It was an interesting experience.  I did however notice one thing. Most men did not take me seriously until they asked AJ (my social media ninja) what he did? When AJ responded that he worked for me, and “does anything she needs” the men were a lot more interested in what I had to say. Men – wake up! Attention – Blogs are important and don’t discount this snarky, blonde girl for a minute. You will need me… Continue Reading

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Funny Dating Advice: Tips From The Blogging Trenches

blogging isnt easy and dating isnt easy

Blogging is a lot like a relationship. There are many things to learn and it does not come easy. (Maybe I need to listen to my funny dating advice and learn from my own relationship tips-just a thought?) Anyway, blogging doesn’t just consist of writing alone just like dating does not consist of going out to dinner with no desert. Blogging and social media are very special relationships. Each blog and social medium has unique characteristics, which make him or her one of a kind and special. Special, like the way you are supposed make your date feel. Not all… Continue Reading

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Why Do People Like Memes? | Top 19 Reasons Why Memes Are Popular

jealousy meme

MEMES – people love them!!! What is a meme? These are the “snarky” & funny pictures I post on Facebook, Twitter, Social Media and this blog. We are all a bit lazy (not you of course) and need instant gratification whether it is in work, relationships, dating, or even our social media consumption. Most people don’t like to read, so putting a thumbs up on a meme is so much easier than doing anything else like uh, ……reading? It’s ok – my Facebook wouldn’t be as fun without them. I have noticed some trends with the meme community. People love… Continue Reading

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Under the Sheets with Antonio Sabato Jr. 2013: Relationship & Dating Tips Interview

Antonio Sabato Jr. relationship tips Interview with melanysguydlines 2013

Being a funny relationship blogger and dating advice giver, I am presented with various opportunities. Most of these things are ridiculous and barely make it into my inbox. But, I was given the chance to interview a total babe and of course I took it. You never know who you are going to meet or where, right? So, when I received an email from Antonio Sabato Jr.’s people of course I jumped at the opportunity to interview him regarding his new venture as a relationship blogger and online dating guru. “Enter celebrity serial dater turned online flirting guru, Antonio Sabato… Continue Reading

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Melanysguydlines joins the Kardashians & Tom Brady on the Lango App!

melanysguydlines on Lango

What do Kim Kardashian, Breaking Bad, Colin Kaepernick, Tom Brady, and Garfield have in common with (besides being awesome)? First, let me just say what an honor it is to be part of this amazing list. Second, the Lango App has immortalized us all in animation! I guess success can be measured by the amount of animated icons a person has. It is no longer just enough to have your own doll but the Lango App icons are where it is at and I have my very own pack.     What is Lango? Well, it is an App… Continue Reading

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God Bless America

Never forget 9/11

Remembering those we have lost and thanking those who still serve our country. Proud to be an American each and every day. Thoughts are with all the families on this day of remembrance. God Bless America. NEVER FORGET!  9/11/01 **Stay snarky my friends!**

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MG Welcomes An0maly (with a zero) – Social Media Ninja

Hey MG fans! It has been a rough day for me but I am so excited to officially introduce you to the new member of our family. I was looking for a rockstar, social media, ninja and I found him – well, he is actually a rapper, social media, ninja. Seriously! MG fans meet AJ aka “An0maly” with a zero. Don’t get into a word match with him because he will win. I am so impressed with him already – check him out. Here he is in his words….. AJ Faleski is a seasoned wizard/black belt ninja (That’s actually completely… Continue Reading

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Funny Relationship Stories: Sporty Sports Chick

Funny relationship stories come in many creative forms and I am a bit of a whiz at relating most parts of my life back to funny relationship stories. Recently, I was asked by a fellow blogger to write a guest post about being a “sporty chick” and how it relates to my life today. Well, I give funny relationship advice and write about funny relationship stories, but here is a post all about funny life experiences. Of course, I have to relate all of my “sportiness” back to funny relationship stories and what would my post be if it weren’t… Continue Reading

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